Банковский перевод
\n Вы выбрали банковский перевод для оплаты. У Вас будет 7 календарных дней, чтобы оплатить счет. Счета можно найти\n и скачать в разделе “История платежей”. Для предоставления платежного поручения используйте электронную почту\n accounting@idocs.kz .\n
\n Выбрать\n
Метод оплаты
Выберите метод оплаты
\n \n \n {{ option.title }}\n {{ option.description }}\n \n \n
\n Выбрать\n
\n","import { Component, Inject, Injector, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { FormControl } from '@angular/forms';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BillingPaymentType } from '@idocs/api/business/models/BillingPaymentType.model';\nimport { BaseComponent } from '@idocs/shared-ui/core';\nimport { BladeRef, BladeService, BLADE_DATA } from '@idocs/shared-ui/blade';\nimport { PaymentType } from 'libraries/ui/billing-ui/src/lib/components/payments-history/payments-history.component';\nimport { PaymentService } from '../../services/billing/payment.service';\nimport { SelectBankTransferBladeComponent } from '../select-bank-transfer-blade/select-bank-transfer-blade.component';\nimport {\n AlertDialogConfiguration,\n DialogsService,\n} from '@idocs/shared-ui/dialogs';\n\nexport class SelectPaymentTypeOption extends BaseModel {\n GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {};\n }\n protected BASE_TYPE = SelectPaymentTypeOption;\n\n title?: string;\n description?: string;\n selected?: boolean;\n paymentType?: PaymentType;\n}\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-select-payment-type-blade',\n templateUrl: './select-payment-type-blade.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./select-payment-type-blade.component.scss'],\n})\nexport class SelectPaymentTypeBladeComponent\n extends BaseComponent\n implements OnInit\n{\n cardOptions = [\n new SelectPaymentTypeOption({\n title: 'Банковская карта',\n description:\n 'Данный метод означает, что с указанной карты будет автоматически взиматься сумма за услуги.',\n paymentType: PaymentType.CARD,\n }),\n new SelectPaymentTypeOption({\n title: 'Банковский перевод',\n description:\n 'Данный метод означает, что у Вас будет 7 календарных дней, чтобы оплатить счет. Счета можно найти и скачать в разделе “История платежей”.',\n paymentType: PaymentType.BANK_TRANSFER,\n }),\n ];\n\n constructor(\n injector: Injector,\n @Inject(BLADE_DATA) public options: any,\n private bladeRef: BladeRef<\n SelectPaymentTypeBladeComponent,\n any,\n boolean\n >,\n private blade: BladeService,\n private paymentService: PaymentService,\n private dialogService: DialogsService\n ) {\n super(injector);\n }\n\n get isClosing() {\n return this.bladeRef.isClosing;\n }\n\n control = new FormControl();\n\n close(result = false) {\n this.bladeRef.close(result);\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.initData();\n }\n\n get btnDisabled() {\n return this.control.value == null;\n }\n\n async initData() {\n await this.paymentService.getSettings();\n if (this.paymentService.settings) {\n const settings = this.paymentService.settings;\n\n if (settings.PaymentType == BillingPaymentType.BANK_TRANSFER) {\n this.setSelected(PaymentType.BANK_TRANSFER);\n this.control.setValue(PaymentType.BANK_TRANSFER);\n } else if (settings.PaymentType == BillingPaymentType.CARD) {\n this.setSelected(PaymentType.CARD);\n this.control.setValue(PaymentType.CARD);\n }\n }\n }\n\n private setSelected(type: PaymentType) {\n const opt = this.cardOptions.find((c) => {\n return c.paymentType == type;\n });\n if (opt) {\n opt.selected = true;\n }\n }\n\n async chooseMethod() {\n if (this.control.value == PaymentType.BANK_TRANSFER) {\n const ref = await this.blade.open<\n SelectBankTransferBladeComponent,\n any,\n boolean\n >(SelectBankTransferBladeComponent, {\n data: null,\n side: 'left',\n parent: 'select-payment-type',\n });\n\n const res = await ref.onClose.toPromise();\n if (res) {\n this.close(res);\n }\n } else if (this.control.value == PaymentType.CARD) {\n const res = await this.paymentService.selectCard();\n if (res) {\n this.close(res);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","import { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class CPPayVM extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = CPPayVM;\n 'BankCardId'!: string | null;\n 'InvoiceId'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n BankCardId: null,\n InvoiceId: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isCPPayVM(o: any): o is CPPayVM {\n return o instanceof CPPayVM || hasUnionKeys(o, ['BankCardId', 'InvoiceId']);\n }\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class BillingBankCard extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = BillingBankCard;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'CardMask'!: string | null;\n 'ExpirationMonthYear'!: string | null;\n 'Token'!: string | null;\n 'CardType'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n 'GatewayName'!: string | null;\n 'Issuer'!: string | null;\n 'IsDefault'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n CardMask: null,\n ExpirationMonthYear: null,\n Token: null,\n CardType: null,\n Name: null,\n GatewayName: null,\n Issuer: null,\n IsDefault: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isBillingBankCard(o: any): o is BillingBankCard {\n return (\n o instanceof BillingBankCard ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'CardMask',\n 'ExpirationMonthYear',\n 'Token',\n 'CardType',\n 'Name',\n 'GatewayName',\n 'Issuer',\n 'IsDefault',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","export enum PaymentStatus {\n APPROVED = 0,\n DECLINED = 1,\n NEW = 2,\n}\n","export enum PaymentType {\n BANK_TRANSFER = 0,\n CARD = 1,\n}\n","import { BillingPayment } from './BillingPayment.model';\nimport { PaymentType } from './PaymentType.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class BillingPaymentDetail extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = BillingPaymentDetail;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'BillingPaymentId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => BillingPayment)\n 'BillingPayment'!: BillingPayment | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => PaymentType)\n 'Type'!: PaymentType | null;\n 'CardMask'!: string | null;\n 'ExpirationMonthYear'!: string | null;\n 'CardType'!: string | null;\n 'CardName'!: string | null;\n 'GatewayName'!: string | null;\n 'Issuer'!: string | null;\n 'Reason'!: string | null;\n 'ReasonCode'!: number | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n BillingPaymentId: null,\n BillingPayment: null,\n Type: null,\n CardMask: null,\n ExpirationMonthYear: null,\n CardType: null,\n CardName: null,\n GatewayName: null,\n Issuer: null,\n Reason: null,\n ReasonCode: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isBillingPaymentDetail(o: any): o is BillingPaymentDetail {\n return (\n o instanceof BillingPaymentDetail ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'BillingPaymentId',\n 'BillingPayment',\n 'Type',\n 'CardMask',\n 'ExpirationMonthYear',\n 'CardType',\n 'CardName',\n 'GatewayName',\n 'Issuer',\n 'Reason',\n 'ReasonCode',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","export enum BillingPaymentProductType {\n PLAN = 0,\n EXTERNAL_PACKAGE = 1,\n INTERNAL_PACKAGE = 2,\n EXTERNAL_PACKAGE_FOR_COUNTERPARTY = 3,\n EXTERNAL_PACKAGE_FOR_PROMO = 4,\n}\n","import { BillingPaymentProductType } from './BillingPaymentProductType.model';\nimport { BillingPayment } from './BillingPayment.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class BillingPaymentProductDetail extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = BillingPaymentProductDetail;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n 'Count'!: number | null;\n 'Price'!: number | null;\n 'Amount'!: number | null;\n 'Measure'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => BillingPaymentProductType)\n 'ProductType'!: BillingPaymentProductType | null;\n 'BillingPaymentId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => BillingPayment)\n 'BillingPayment'!: BillingPayment | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: null,\n Count: null,\n Price: null,\n Amount: null,\n Measure: null,\n ProductType: null,\n BillingPaymentId: null,\n BillingPayment: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isBillingPaymentProductDetail(o: any): o is BillingPaymentProductDetail {\n return (\n o instanceof BillingPaymentProductDetail ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'Name',\n 'Count',\n 'Price',\n 'Amount',\n 'Measure',\n 'ProductType',\n 'BillingPaymentId',\n 'BillingPayment',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { PaymentStatus } from './PaymentStatus.model';\nimport { BillingPaymentDetail } from './BillingPaymentDetail.model';\nimport { BillingPaymentProductDetail } from './BillingPaymentProductDetail.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class BillingPayment extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = BillingPayment;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n 'Number'!: number | null;\n 'TotalAmount'!: number | null;\n 'InvoiceId'!: string | null;\n 'TransactionId'!: number | null;\n 'StorageId'!: string | null;\n 'Currency'!: string | null;\n 'IsCardSave'!: boolean | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'PaymentDate'!: Date | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => PaymentStatus)\n 'Status'!: PaymentStatus | null;\n @Property(() => BillingPaymentDetail)\n 'BillingPaymentDetails'!: Array;\n @Property(() => BillingPaymentProductDetail)\n 'BillingPaymentProductDetails'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n 'IsHandled'!: boolean | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: null,\n Number: null,\n TotalAmount: null,\n InvoiceId: null,\n TransactionId: null,\n StorageId: null,\n Currency: null,\n IsCardSave: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n PaymentDate: null,\n Status: null,\n BillingPaymentDetails: [],\n BillingPaymentProductDetails: [],\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n IsHandled: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isBillingPayment(o: any): o is BillingPayment {\n return (\n o instanceof BillingPayment ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'Name',\n 'Number',\n 'TotalAmount',\n 'InvoiceId',\n 'TransactionId',\n 'StorageId',\n 'Currency',\n 'IsCardSave',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'PaymentDate',\n 'Status',\n 'BillingPaymentDetails',\n 'BillingPaymentProductDetails',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n 'IsHandled',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { BillingPayment } from './BillingPayment.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class BillingPaymentApiSuccessResponseModel extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = BillingPaymentApiSuccessResponseModel;\n 'Header'!: string | null;\n 'Description'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => BillingPayment)\n 'Payload'!: BillingPayment | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Header: null,\n Description: null,\n Payload: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isBillingPaymentApiSuccessResponseModel(o: any): o is BillingPaymentApiSuccessResponseModel {\n return o instanceof BillingPaymentApiSuccessResponseModel || hasUnionKeys(o, ['Header', 'Description', 'Payload']);\n }\n}\n","import { SwaggerApiService } from './SwaggerApiService.service';\nimport { SwaggerApiRequestHeaders } from './SwaggerApiService.service';\nimport { eitherify, mapLeft, mapRight } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { Inject, Optional, Injectable } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { BASE_URL, BusinessServerApiRootModule } from './BusinessServerApi.module';\nimport { GuidApiSuccessResponseModel } from '../models/GuidApiSuccessResponseModel.model';\nimport { BillingBankCard } from '../models/BillingBankCard.model';\nimport { BillingPaymentApiSuccessResponseModel } from '../models/BillingPaymentApiSuccessResponseModel.model';\n\n@Injectable({ providedIn: BusinessServerApiRootModule })\nexport class BankCardApiService extends SwaggerApiService {\n public constructor(http: HttpClient, @Optional() @Inject(BASE_URL) baseUrl: string) {\n super(http, baseUrl);\n }\n\n public Delete_byId(id: string, requestHeaders?: SwaggerApiRequestHeaders) {\n const response = this.http.request('delete', `${this.baseUrl}/api/v2/BankCard/${id}`, {\n headers: requestHeaders,\n responseType: 'json',\n });\n\n return response.pipe(\n eitherify(),\n mapRight((response) => new GuidApiSuccessResponseModel(response)),\n mapLeft((ex) => (ex instanceof HttpErrorResponse ? ex : ex))\n );\n }\n\n public Get>(requestHeaders?: SwaggerApiRequestHeaders) {\n const response = this.http.request('get', `${this.baseUrl}/api/v2/BankCard`, {\n headers: requestHeaders,\n responseType: 'json',\n });\n\n return response.pipe(\n eitherify(),\n mapRight((response) => (Array.isArray(response) ? response.map((i) => new BillingBankCard(i)) : response)),\n mapLeft((ex) => (ex instanceof HttpErrorResponse ? ex : ex))\n );\n }\n\n public ChangeToDefaultCard_byId(\n id: string,\n requestHeaders?: SwaggerApiRequestHeaders\n ) {\n const response = this.http.request('patch', `${this.baseUrl}/api/v2/BankCard/change-to-default/${id}`, {\n headers: requestHeaders,\n responseType: 'json',\n });\n\n return response.pipe(\n eitherify(),\n mapRight((response) => new GuidApiSuccessResponseModel(response)),\n mapLeft((ex) => (ex instanceof HttpErrorResponse ? ex : ex))\n );\n }\n\n public SaveCard(requestHeaders?: SwaggerApiRequestHeaders) {\n const response = this.http.request('post', `${this.baseUrl}/api/v2/BankCard/save-card`, {\n headers: requestHeaders,\n responseType: 'json',\n });\n\n return response.pipe(\n eitherify(),\n mapRight((response) => new BillingPaymentApiSuccessResponseModel(response)),\n mapLeft((ex) => (ex instanceof HttpErrorResponse ? ex : ex))\n );\n }\n}\n","import { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class StringApiSuccessResponseModel extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = StringApiSuccessResponseModel;\n 'Header'!: string | null;\n 'Description'!: string | null;\n 'Payload'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Header: null,\n Description: null,\n Payload: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isStringApiSuccessResponseModel(o: any): o is StringApiSuccessResponseModel {\n return o instanceof StringApiSuccessResponseModel || hasUnionKeys(o, ['Header', 'Description', 'Payload']);\n }\n}\n","import { SwaggerApiService } from './SwaggerApiService.service';\nimport { SwaggerApiRequestHeaders } from './SwaggerApiService.service';\nimport { eitherify, mapLeft, mapRight } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { Inject, Optional, Injectable } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { BASE_URL, BusinessServerApiRootModule } from './BusinessServerApi.module';\nimport { CPPayVM } from '../models/CPPayVM.model';\nimport { StringApiSuccessResponseModel } from '../models/StringApiSuccessResponseModel.model';\n\n@Injectable({ providedIn: BusinessServerApiRootModule })\nexport class CloudPaymentApiService extends SwaggerApiService {\n public constructor(http: HttpClient, @Optional() @Inject(BASE_URL) baseUrl: string) {\n super(http, baseUrl);\n }\n\n public PayAuth_byModel(\n model: CPPayVM,\n requestHeaders?: SwaggerApiRequestHeaders\n ) {\n const response = this.http.request('post', `${this.baseUrl}/api/v2/CloudPayment/pay-auth`, {\n headers: requestHeaders,\n responseType: 'json',\n body: model,\n });\n\n return response.pipe(\n eitherify(),\n mapRight((response) => new StringApiSuccessResponseModel(response)),\n mapLeft((ex) => (ex instanceof HttpErrorResponse ? ex : ex))\n );\n }\n}\n","
Сохраненные карты
\n \n \n {{\n option.cardMask\n }}\n \n \n
{{ option.owner }}
{{ option.expiration }}
\n \n \n \n Добавить новую карту\n
\n Выбрать\n
\n\n","import { Component, Inject, Injector, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { FormControl } from '@angular/forms';\nimport {\n mapLeft,\n mapRight,\n StrictBaseModelPart,\n} from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseComponent } from '@idocs/shared-ui/core';\nimport { BladeRef, BLADE_DATA } from '@idocs/shared-ui/blade';\nimport { PaymentService } from '../../services/billing/payment.service';\nimport { PaymentTypeInfoConfig } from 'libraries/ui/billing-ui/src/lib/components/payment-type-info/payment-type-info.component';\nimport { WidgetService } from 'libraries/cloudpayments/src/public-api';\nimport { ICardOptions } from '../../payments-history/components/payments-history/payments-history.component';\nimport { PaymentsHistoryInfo } from 'libraries/ui/billing-ui/src/lib/components/payments-history/payments-history.component';\nimport { finalize, takeUntil, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';\nimport { apiResponseErrorHandler } from '../../utils/handlers/api-error-handler';\nimport { showNotification } from '@idocs/shared-ui/notification';\nimport { apiResponseSuccessNotificationHandler } from '../../utils/handlers/api-success-handler';\nimport { BillingPayment } from '@idocs/api/business/models/BillingPayment.model';\nimport { BankCardApiService } from '@idocs/api/business/services/BankCard.api-service';\nimport { CloudPaymentApiService } from '@idocs/api/business/services/CloudPayment.api-service';\nimport { CPPayVM } from '@idocs/api/business/models/CPPayVM.model';\nimport { BillingCompanySettingApiService } from '@idocs/api/business/services/BillingCompanySetting.api-service';\nimport { BillingPaymentType } from '@idocs/api/business/models/BillingPaymentType.model';\nimport { AuthService } from '../../services/auth/auth.service';\n\nexport class SelectCardOption extends PaymentTypeInfoConfig {\n GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n isAutopay: false,\n isBankTransfer: false,\n isDefault: false,\n cardMask: null,\n id: null,\n selected: false,\n };\n }\n\n protected BASE_TYPE = SelectCardOption;\n\n selected!: boolean;\n}\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-select-saved-card-blade',\n templateUrl: './select-saved-card-blade.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./select-saved-card-blade.component.scss'],\n})\nexport class SelectSavedCardBladeComponent\n extends BaseComponent\n implements OnInit\n{\n cardOptions: SelectCardOption[] = [];\n payment: PaymentsHistoryInfo;\n\n constructor(\n injector: Injector,\n @Inject(BLADE_DATA) public options: PaymentsHistoryInfo,\n private bladeRef: BladeRef<\n SelectSavedCardBladeComponent,\n PaymentsHistoryInfo,\n boolean\n >,\n private _widgetService: WidgetService,\n private _paymentService: PaymentService,\n private bankCardApi: BankCardApiService,\n private cloudPaymentApi: CloudPaymentApiService,\n private billingCompanySettingApi: BillingCompanySettingApiService,\n private authService: AuthService\n ) {\n super(injector);\n\n this.payment = options;\n }\n\n control = new FormControl();\n\n get btnDisabled() {\n return this.control.value == null;\n }\n\n close(result = false) {\n this.bladeRef.close(result);\n }\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.initData();\n }\n\n async initData() {\n await this._paymentService.getBankCards();\n\n if (\n this._paymentService.bankCards &&\n this._paymentService.bankCards.length > 0\n ) {\n this.cardOptions = this._paymentService.bankCards.map((c) => {\n return new SelectCardOption(c);\n });\n\n const defaultCard = this.cardOptions.find((c) => c.isDefault);\n\n if (defaultCard) {\n defaultCard.selected = true;\n this.control.setValue(defaultCard);\n }\n }\n }\n\n async addNewCard() {\n if (this.payment) {\n this.cloudpaymentPay(this.payment);\n } else {\n this.loading = true;\n this.bankCardApi\n .SaveCard()\n .pipe(\n tap(() => (this.loading = false)),\n takeUntil(this.destroyed),\n mapRight(async (res) => {\n res.Payload &&\n (await this.cloudpaymentPay(res.Payload));\n }),\n mapLeft(apiResponseErrorHandler),\n mapLeft(showNotification)\n )\n .subscribe();\n }\n }\n\n async cloudpaymentPay(model: BillingPayment | PaymentsHistoryInfo) {\n if (model && model.TotalAmount) {\n const description = this.payment\n ? 'Оплата тарифа'\n : 'Сохранение карты';\n const companyId = this.authService.tokenResult?.CompanyId;\n\n await this._widgetService.block(\n model.TotalAmount,\n model.InvoiceId!,\n description,\n companyId ?? ''\n );\n\n if (this.payment) {\n this.close(true);\n } else {\n this.loading = true;\n setTimeout(() => {\n this.initData(); // force to update data, because of no answer from backend\n this.loading = false;\n }, 5000);\n }\n }\n }\n\n async saveAndClose() {\n if (this.control.value != null) {\n const id = (this.control.value as SelectCardOption).id;\n\n if (this.payment) {\n this.loading = true;\n this.cloudPaymentApi\n .PayAuth_byModel(\n new CPPayVM({\n BankCardId: id,\n InvoiceId: this.payment.InvoiceId,\n })\n )\n .pipe(\n takeUntil(this.destroyed),\n tap(() => {\n this.loading = false;\n }),\n mapRight(apiResponseSuccessNotificationHandler),\n mapRight(() => {\n this.close(true);\n }),\n mapLeft(apiResponseErrorHandler),\n mapLeft(showNotification)\n )\n .subscribe();\n } else {\n id && this.saveCard(id);\n }\n }\n }\n\n async updatePaymentType() {\n this.billingCompanySettingApi\n .UpdatePaymentType_byPaymentType({\n paymentType: BillingPaymentType.CARD,\n })\n .pipe(\n takeUntil(this.destroyed),\n tap(() => {\n this.loading = false;\n }),\n mapRight(apiResponseSuccessNotificationHandler),\n mapRight(() => {\n this.close(true);\n }),\n mapLeft(apiResponseErrorHandler),\n mapLeft(showNotification)\n )\n .subscribe();\n }\n\n private async saveCard(id: string) {\n this.loading = true;\n this.bankCardApi\n .ChangeToDefaultCard_byId(id)\n .pipe(\n takeUntil(this.destroyed),\n mapRight(apiResponseSuccessNotificationHandler),\n mapLeft(apiResponseErrorHandler),\n mapLeft(showNotification),\n finalize(() => this.updatePaymentType())\n )\n .subscribe();\n }\n}\n","import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';\nimport { BladeService } from '@idocs/shared-ui/blade';\nimport {\n CardType,\n PaymentTypeInfoConfig,\n} from 'libraries/ui/billing-ui/src/lib/components/payment-type-info/payment-type-info.component';\nimport { SelectPaymentTypeBladeComponent } from 'applications/billing/src/app/blades/select-payment-type-blade/select-payment-type-blade.component';\nimport { SelectSavedCardBladeComponent } from '../../blades/select-saved-card-blade/select-saved-card-blade.component';\nimport { PaymentsHistoryInfo } from 'libraries/ui/billing-ui/src/lib/components/payments-history/payments-history.component';\nimport { AuthService } from '../auth/auth.service';\nimport { BillingCompanySetting } from '@idocs/api/business/models/BillingCompanySetting.model';\nimport { BillingCompanySettingApiService } from '@idocs/api/business/services/BillingCompanySetting.api-service';\nimport { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';\nimport { Disposable } from '@idocs/shared-logic';\nimport { BillingPaymentType } from '@idocs/api/business/models/BillingPaymentType.model';\nimport { BankCardApiService } from '@idocs/api/business/services/BankCard.api-service';\nimport { BillingBankCard } from '@idocs/api/business/models/BillingBankCard.model';\nimport { Comparator, createComparator, DateComparator } from 'ng-utils';\nimport { notNull } from 'ng-utils/utils';\nimport { CertificateInfo } from '@idocs/shared-ui/account-info-card';\nimport { mapLeft, mapRight } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { apiResponseErrorHandler } from '../../utils/handlers/api-error-handler';\nimport { showNotification } from '@idocs/shared-ui/notification';\nimport { apiResponseSuccessNotificationHandler } from '../../utils/handlers/api-success-handler';\nimport { BillingCompanySettingVM } from '@idocs/api/business/models/BillingCompanySettingVM.model';\n\nconst BillingBankCardComparator = createComparator(\n new Date(),\n (i) => i.CreatedOn,\n new DateComparator()\n);\n\n@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })\nexport class PaymentService extends Disposable {\n bankCards?: PaymentTypeInfoConfig[];\n settings?: BillingCompanySettingVM;\n paymentTypeInfo?: PaymentTypeInfoConfig;\n notificationEmployees?: CertificateInfo[];\n\n constructor(\n private blade: BladeService,\n private authService: AuthService,\n private billingCompanySettingApi: BillingCompanySettingApiService,\n private bankCardApi: BankCardApiService\n ) {\n super();\n }\n\n private resetData() {\n delete this.settings;\n delete this.bankCards;\n delete this.paymentTypeInfo;\n }\n\n async getSettings(getBankCards = false) {\n this.resetData();\n\n const settingsResponse = await this.billingCompanySettingApi\n .Get()\n .pipe(\n takeUntil(this.destroyed),\n mapLeft(apiResponseErrorHandler),\n mapLeft(showNotification)\n )\n .toPromise();\n\n if (settingsResponse.isLeft()) {\n return;\n }\n\n const settings = settingsResponse.value;\n\n if (settings.Id) {\n this.settings = settings;\n\n if (getBankCards) {\n // get bank cards for displaying in payment page\n await this.getBankCards();\n }\n\n if (this.settings.PaymentType == BillingPaymentType.CARD) {\n if (!getBankCards) {\n // if not loaded\n await this.getBankCards();\n }\n\n if (this.bankCards && this.bankCards.length > 0) {\n this.paymentTypeInfo = this.bankCards.find((c) => {\n return c.isDefault;\n });\n }\n } else if (\n this.settings.PaymentType == BillingPaymentType.BANK_TRANSFER\n ) {\n if (!getBankCards) {\n delete this.bankCards;\n }\n\n this.paymentTypeInfo = new PaymentTypeInfoConfig({\n isBankTransfer: true,\n bankTransferDescription:\n 'При выставлении счета у Вас будет 7 календарных дней, чтобы его оплатить',\n emailInstructionText:\n 'Для предоставления платежного поручения используйте электронную почту',\n email: 'accounting@idocs.kz',\n });\n }\n }\n }\n\n async getBankCards() {\n const cardsResponse = await this.bankCardApi\n .Get()\n .pipe(\n takeUntil(this.destroyed),\n mapLeft(apiResponseErrorHandler),\n mapLeft(showNotification)\n )\n .toPromise();\n\n if (cardsResponse.isLeft() || !cardsResponse.value.length) {\n return;\n }\n\n const cards = cardsResponse.value;\n\n const sortedCards = cards.sort(\n new BillingBankCardComparator().compareDesc\n );\n this.bankCards = sortedCards\n .map((c) => {\n return this.getPaymenttypeInfoFromCard(c);\n })\n .filter(notNull);\n }\n\n getPaymenttypeInfoFromCard(card: BillingBankCard) {\n if (card) {\n const name = card.Name?.replace('+', ' ');\n let mask = card.CardMask?.split('*').join('•');\n\n if (!mask) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const arr = mask.split('');\n\n arr.splice(4, 0, ' ');\n arr.splice(9, 0, ' ');\n arr.splice(14, 0, ' ');\n\n mask = arr.join('');\n\n return new PaymentTypeInfoConfig({\n id: card.Id,\n isBankTransfer: false,\n cardType: card.CardType as CardType,\n owner: name,\n expiration: `${card.ExpirationMonthYear}`,\n cardMask: mask,\n isDefault: card.IsDefault,\n isAutopay: true,\n });\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n async changePaymentType(): Promise {\n if (this.authService.isIndividual()) {\n return await this.selectCard(undefined, true);\n } else {\n const ref = this.blade.open<\n SelectPaymentTypeBladeComponent,\n any,\n boolean\n >(SelectPaymentTypeBladeComponent, {\n data: null,\n side: 'right',\n id: 'select-payment-type',\n });\n const res = await ref.onClose.toPromise();\n return res;\n }\n }\n\n async removeCard(id: string) {\n const res = await this.bankCardApi\n .Delete_byId(id)\n .pipe(\n takeUntil(this.destroyed),\n mapRight(apiResponseSuccessNotificationHandler),\n mapLeft(apiResponseErrorHandler),\n mapLeft(showNotification)\n )\n .toPromise();\n return res.isRight();\n }\n\n async selectCard(payment?: PaymentsHistoryInfo, left?: boolean) {\n const ref = await this.blade.open<\n SelectSavedCardBladeComponent,\n PaymentsHistoryInfo,\n boolean\n >(SelectSavedCardBladeComponent, {\n data: payment,\n side: payment || left ? 'right' : 'left',\n parent: 'select-payment-type',\n });\n\n const res = await ref.onClose.toPromise();\n return res;\n }\n}\n","import { mapToApiFailureResponseModel } from '@idocs/api';\nimport { handleErrorWith, NotificationConfiguration } from '@idocs/shared-ui/notification';\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\n\nexport const apiResponseErrorHandler = (err?: Error | null): NotificationConfiguration | null => {\n const error = mapToApiFailureResponseModel(err);\n\n return error\n ? new NotificationConfiguration({\n color: 'danger',\n duration: 5000,\n title: error.Header,\n content: error.Description || '',\n })\n : null;\n};\n\nexport const handleApiError = (source: Observable) => handleErrorWith(apiResponseErrorHandler)(source);\n","import { NotificationConfiguration, showNotification } from '@idocs/shared-ui/notification';\n\nexport const apiResponseSuccessNotificationHandler = (res: any): void => {\n showNotification(\n new NotificationConfiguration({ color: 'success', duration: 5000, title: res.Header, content: res.Description })\n );\n};\n","import { BankAccount } from './BankAccount.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class Bank extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = Bank;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n 'NameKz'!: string | null;\n 'BIN'!: string;\n 'BIK'!: string;\n 'RNN'!: string | null;\n 'KBE'!: string | null;\n 'Code'!: string | null;\n 'IsActive'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => BankAccount)\n 'BankAccounts'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n NameKz: null,\n BIN: '',\n BIK: '',\n RNN: null,\n KBE: null,\n Code: null,\n IsActive: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n BankAccounts: [],\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isBank(o: any): o is Bank {\n return o instanceof Bank || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name', 'BIN', 'BIK']);\n }\n}\n","import { DictionaryValue } from './DictionaryValue.model';\nimport { Bank } from './Bank.model';\nimport { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { Counterparty } from './Counterparty.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class BankAccount extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = BankAccount;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'IBAN'!: string | null;\n 'DictionaryValueId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => DictionaryValue)\n 'DictionaryValue'!: DictionaryValue | null;\n 'DateOpen'!: string | null;\n 'BankId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Bank)\n 'Bank'!: Bank | null;\n 'IsDefault'!: boolean | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'CounterpartyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Counterparty)\n 'Counterparty'!: Counterparty | null;\n 'AccountType'!: number | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n 'DatasetFilterById'!: string | null;\n 'DatasetItemId'!: string | null;\n 'DatasetItemValue'!: string | null;\n 'DatasetItemDisplayValue'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n 'IsLegacyImported'!: boolean | null;\n 'LegacyId'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n IBAN: null,\n DictionaryValueId: null,\n DictionaryValue: null,\n DateOpen: null,\n BankId: null,\n Bank: null,\n IsDefault: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n CounterpartyId: null,\n Counterparty: null,\n AccountType: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n DatasetFilterById: null,\n DatasetItemId: null,\n DatasetItemValue: null,\n DatasetItemDisplayValue: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n IsLegacyImported: null,\n LegacyId: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isBankAccount(o: any): o is BankAccount {\n return (\n o instanceof BankAccount ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'IBAN',\n 'DictionaryValueId',\n 'DictionaryValue',\n 'DateOpen',\n 'BankId',\n 'Bank',\n 'IsDefault',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'CounterpartyId',\n 'Counterparty',\n 'AccountType',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'DeleteId',\n 'DatasetFilterById',\n 'DatasetItemId',\n 'DatasetItemValue',\n 'DatasetItemDisplayValue',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n 'IsLegacyImported',\n 'LegacyId',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","export enum BillingPaymentType {\n CARD = 0,\n BANK_TRANSFER = 1,\n}\n","import { Property } from './Property.model';\nimport { PropertyTableColumn } from './PropertyTableColumn.model';\nimport { Property as PropertyDecorator } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class CalculatedProperty extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = CalculatedProperty;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n 'Description'!: string | null;\n 'FullyQuilifiedName'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Property)\n 'Properties'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyTableColumn)\n 'PropertyTableColumns'!: Array;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n Description: null,\n FullyQuilifiedName: null,\n Properties: [],\n PropertyTableColumns: [],\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isCalculatedProperty(o: any): o is CalculatedProperty {\n return o instanceof CalculatedProperty || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name']);\n }\n}\n","export enum CertificateIssuerType {\n INDIVIDUAL = 0,\n ORGANIZATION = 1,\n ENTERPRENEUR = 2,\n UNKNOWN = 3,\n IDENTIFICATION_REMOTE_DIGITAL_ID = 4,\n}\n","import { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class Moderators extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = Moderators;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n };\n }\n\n public static isModerators(o: any): o is Moderators {\n return o instanceof Moderators || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name']);\n }\n}\n","export enum SystemCompanyType {\n LLP = 0,\n ENTERPRENEUR = 1,\n CORPORATION = 2,\n INDIVIDUAL = 3,\n UNKNOWN = 4,\n GOVERNMENT_AGENCY = 5,\n LLP_KZ = 6,\n CORPORATION_KZ = 7,\n ENTERPRENEUR_KZ = 8,\n INDIVIDUAL_KZ = 9,\n MUNICIPAL_STATE_TREASURY_ENTERPRISE = 10,\n STATE_UTILITY_STATE_ENTERPRISE = 11,\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { CertificateIssuerType } from './CertificateIssuerType.model';\nimport { SystemCompanyType } from './SystemCompanyType.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class CompanyType extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = CompanyType;\n 'Id'!: number | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n 'ShortName'!: string;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Companies'!: Array;\n @EnumProperty(() => CertificateIssuerType)\n 'IssuerType'!: CertificateIssuerType | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => SystemCompanyType)\n 'Flag'!: SystemCompanyType | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n ShortName: '',\n Companies: [],\n IssuerType: null,\n Flag: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isCompanyType(o: any): o is CompanyType {\n return o instanceof CompanyType || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name', 'ShortName']);\n }\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class CompanyChangeDirectorRequest extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = CompanyChangeDirectorRequest;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'CurrentDirectorId'!: string | null;\n 'NewDirectorId'!: string | null;\n 'StorageId'!: string | null;\n 'Approved'!: boolean | null;\n 'Comment'!: string | null;\n 'PositionName'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'ProcessDate'!: Date | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n CurrentDirectorId: null,\n NewDirectorId: null,\n StorageId: null,\n Approved: null,\n Comment: null,\n PositionName: null,\n ProcessDate: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isCompanyChangeDirectorRequest(o: any): o is CompanyChangeDirectorRequest {\n return (\n o instanceof CompanyChangeDirectorRequest ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'CurrentDirectorId',\n 'NewDirectorId',\n 'StorageId',\n 'Approved',\n 'Comment',\n 'PositionName',\n 'ProcessDate',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n 'DeleteId',\n 'IsDeleted',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { ClientApplication } from './ClientApplication.model';\nimport { ClientApplicationTypeSchema } from './ClientApplicationTypeSchema.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class ClientApplicationDetail extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = ClientApplicationDetail;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'ClientApplicationId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplication)\n 'ClientApplication'!: ClientApplication | null;\n 'ClientApplicationTypeSchemaId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationTypeSchema)\n 'ClientApplicationTypeSchema'!: ClientApplicationTypeSchema | null;\n 'Value'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n ClientApplicationId: null,\n ClientApplication: null,\n ClientApplicationTypeSchemaId: null,\n ClientApplicationTypeSchema: null,\n Value: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isClientApplicationDetail(o: any): o is ClientApplicationDetail {\n return (\n o instanceof ClientApplicationDetail ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'ClientApplicationId',\n 'ClientApplication',\n 'ClientApplicationTypeSchemaId',\n 'ClientApplicationTypeSchema',\n 'Value',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { ClientApplicationType } from './ClientApplicationType.model';\nimport { ClientApplicationDetail } from './ClientApplicationDetail.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class ClientApplicationTypeSchema extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = ClientApplicationTypeSchema;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'ClientApplicationTypeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationType)\n 'ClientApplicationType'!: ClientApplicationType | null;\n 'PropertyName'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationDetail)\n 'ClientApplicationDetails'!: Array;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n ClientApplicationTypeId: null,\n ClientApplicationType: null,\n PropertyName: null,\n ClientApplicationDetails: [],\n };\n }\n\n public static isClientApplicationTypeSchema(o: any): o is ClientApplicationTypeSchema {\n return (\n o instanceof ClientApplicationTypeSchema ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'ClientApplicationTypeId',\n 'ClientApplicationType',\n 'PropertyName',\n 'ClientApplicationDetails',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { ClientApplication } from './ClientApplication.model';\nimport { ClientApplicationTypeSchema } from './ClientApplicationTypeSchema.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class ClientApplicationType extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = ClientApplicationType;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplication)\n 'ClientApplications'!: Array;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationTypeSchema)\n 'ClientApplicationTypeSchemas'!: Array;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: null,\n ClientApplications: [],\n ClientApplicationTypeSchemas: [],\n };\n }\n\n public static isClientApplicationType(o: any): o is ClientApplicationType {\n return (\n o instanceof ClientApplicationType ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, ['Id', 'Name', 'ClientApplications', 'ClientApplicationTypeSchemas'])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { ClientApplicationRequestType } from './ClientApplicationRequestType.model';\nimport { ClientApplicationRequestCategory } from './ClientApplicationRequestCategory.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class ClientApplicationIncomingCall extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = ClientApplicationIncomingCall;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'Date'!: Date | null;\n 'Company'!: string | null;\n 'ClientApplicationRequestTypeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationRequestType)\n 'ClientApplicationRequestType'!: ClientApplicationRequestType | null;\n 'ClientApplicationRequestCategoryId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationRequestCategory)\n 'ClientApplicationRequestCategory'!: ClientApplicationRequestCategory | null;\n 'ApplicationUserId'!: string | null;\n 'Comment'!: string | null;\n 'PhoneNumber'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Date: null,\n Company: null,\n ClientApplicationRequestTypeId: null,\n ClientApplicationRequestType: null,\n ClientApplicationRequestCategoryId: null,\n ClientApplicationRequestCategory: null,\n ApplicationUserId: null,\n Comment: null,\n PhoneNumber: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isClientApplicationIncomingCall(o: any): o is ClientApplicationIncomingCall {\n return (\n o instanceof ClientApplicationIncomingCall ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'Date',\n 'Company',\n 'ClientApplicationRequestTypeId',\n 'ClientApplicationRequestType',\n 'ClientApplicationRequestCategoryId',\n 'ClientApplicationRequestCategory',\n 'ApplicationUserId',\n 'Comment',\n 'PhoneNumber',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { ClientApplicationIncomingCall } from './ClientApplicationIncomingCall.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class ClientApplicationRequestCategory extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = ClientApplicationRequestCategory;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationIncomingCall)\n 'ClientApplicationIncomingCalls'!: Array;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: null,\n ClientApplicationIncomingCalls: [],\n };\n }\n\n public static isClientApplicationRequestCategory(o: any): o is ClientApplicationRequestCategory {\n return (\n o instanceof ClientApplicationRequestCategory ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, ['Id', 'Name', 'ClientApplicationIncomingCalls'])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { ClientApplicationRequestType } from './ClientApplicationRequestType.model';\nimport { ClientApplicationRequestCategory } from './ClientApplicationRequestCategory.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class CompanyNotebook extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = CompanyNotebook;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'ApplicationUserId'!: string | null;\n 'Message'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'Date'!: Date | null;\n 'ClientApplicationRequestTypeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationRequestType)\n 'ClientApplicationRequestType'!: ClientApplicationRequestType | null;\n 'ClientApplicationRequestCategoryId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationRequestCategory)\n 'ClientApplicationRequestCategory'!: ClientApplicationRequestCategory | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n ApplicationUserId: null,\n Message: null,\n Date: null,\n ClientApplicationRequestTypeId: null,\n ClientApplicationRequestType: null,\n ClientApplicationRequestCategoryId: null,\n ClientApplicationRequestCategory: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isCompanyNotebook(o: any): o is CompanyNotebook {\n return (\n o instanceof CompanyNotebook ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'ApplicationUserId',\n 'Message',\n 'Date',\n 'ClientApplicationRequestTypeId',\n 'ClientApplicationRequestType',\n 'ClientApplicationRequestCategoryId',\n 'ClientApplicationRequestCategory',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { ClientApplication } from './ClientApplication.model';\nimport { CompanyNotebook } from './CompanyNotebook.model';\nimport { ClientApplicationIncomingCall } from './ClientApplicationIncomingCall.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class ClientApplicationRequestType extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = ClientApplicationRequestType;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplication)\n 'ClientApplications'!: Array;\n @Property(() => CompanyNotebook)\n 'CompanyNotebooks'!: Array;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationIncomingCall)\n 'ClientApplicationIncomingCalls'!: Array;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: null,\n ClientApplications: [],\n CompanyNotebooks: [],\n ClientApplicationIncomingCalls: [],\n };\n }\n\n public static isClientApplicationRequestType(o: any): o is ClientApplicationRequestType {\n return (\n o instanceof ClientApplicationRequestType ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, ['Id', 'Name', 'ClientApplications', 'CompanyNotebooks', 'ClientApplicationIncomingCalls'])\n );\n }\n}\n","export enum ClientApplicationStatus {\n New = 0,\n InProgress = 1,\n Accepted = 2,\n Canceled = 3,\n}\n","import { ClientApplication } from './ClientApplication.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class ClientApplicationComment extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = ClientApplicationComment;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'ClientApplicationId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplication)\n 'ClientApplication'!: ClientApplication | null;\n 'ApplicationUserId'!: string | null;\n 'Message'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'Date'!: Date | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n ClientApplicationId: null,\n ClientApplication: null,\n ApplicationUserId: null,\n Message: null,\n Date: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isClientApplicationComment(o: any): o is ClientApplicationComment {\n return (\n o instanceof ClientApplicationComment ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, ['Id', 'ClientApplicationId', 'ClientApplication', 'ApplicationUserId', 'Message', 'Date'])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { ClientApplication } from './ClientApplication.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class ClientApplicationFile extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = ClientApplicationFile;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'ClientApplicationId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplication)\n 'ClientApplication'!: ClientApplication | null;\n 'StorageId'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n 'MimeType'!: string | null;\n 'Extension'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n ClientApplicationId: null,\n ClientApplication: null,\n StorageId: null,\n Name: null,\n MimeType: null,\n Extension: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isClientApplicationFile(o: any): o is ClientApplicationFile {\n return (\n o instanceof ClientApplicationFile ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, ['Id', 'ClientApplicationId', 'ClientApplication', 'StorageId', 'Name', 'MimeType', 'Extension'])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { ClientApplicationType } from './ClientApplicationType.model';\nimport { ClientApplicationRequestType } from './ClientApplicationRequestType.model';\nimport { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { ClientApplicationStatus } from './ClientApplicationStatus.model';\nimport { ClientApplicationDetail } from './ClientApplicationDetail.model';\nimport { ClientApplicationComment } from './ClientApplicationComment.model';\nimport { ClientApplicationFile } from './ClientApplicationFile.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class ClientApplication extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = ClientApplication;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'ClientApplicationTypeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationType)\n 'ClientApplicationType'!: ClientApplicationType | null;\n 'ClientApplicationRequestTypeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationRequestType)\n 'ClientApplicationRequestType'!: ClientApplicationRequestType | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'Date'!: Date | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'ApplicationUserId'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => ClientApplicationStatus)\n 'ClientApplicationStatus'!: ClientApplicationStatus | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'DateTimeStart'!: Date | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'DateTimeFinish'!: Date | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationDetail)\n 'ClientApplicationDetails'!: Array;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationComment)\n 'ClientApplicationComments'!: Array;\n @Property(() => ClientApplicationFile)\n 'ClientApplicationFiles'!: Array;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n ClientApplicationTypeId: null,\n ClientApplicationType: null,\n ClientApplicationRequestTypeId: null,\n ClientApplicationRequestType: null,\n Date: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n ApplicationUserId: null,\n ClientApplicationStatus: null,\n DateTimeStart: null,\n DateTimeFinish: null,\n ClientApplicationDetails: [],\n ClientApplicationComments: [],\n ClientApplicationFiles: [],\n };\n }\n\n public static isClientApplication(o: any): o is ClientApplication {\n return (\n o instanceof ClientApplication ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'ClientApplicationTypeId',\n 'ClientApplicationType',\n 'ClientApplicationRequestTypeId',\n 'ClientApplicationRequestType',\n 'Date',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'ApplicationUserId',\n 'ClientApplicationStatus',\n 'DateTimeStart',\n 'DateTimeFinish',\n 'ClientApplicationDetails',\n 'ClientApplicationComments',\n 'ClientApplicationFiles',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","export enum Integration1CSourceFileType {\n Integration1CModule = 0,\n NCLayerComModule = 1,\n Integration1CCode = 2,\n ZUPModule = 3,\n}\n","import { Integration1CSourceFileType } from './Integration1CSourceFileType.model';\nimport { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class Integration1CSourceFile extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = Integration1CSourceFile;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'PublishedAt'!: Date | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => Integration1CSourceFileType)\n 'SourceFileType'!: Integration1CSourceFileType | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'StorageId'!: string | null;\n 'CompanyName'!: string | null;\n 'IsRemoved'!: boolean | null;\n 'ApplicationUserId'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: null,\n PublishedAt: null,\n SourceFileType: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n StorageId: null,\n CompanyName: null,\n IsRemoved: null,\n ApplicationUserId: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isIntegration1CSourceFile(o: any): o is Integration1CSourceFile {\n return (\n o instanceof Integration1CSourceFile ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'Name',\n 'PublishedAt',\n 'SourceFileType',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'StorageId',\n 'CompanyName',\n 'IsRemoved',\n 'ApplicationUserId',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class Agreement extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = Agreement;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'DateStart'!: Date | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'DateExpire'!: Date | null;\n 'DocumentUrl'!: string | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: null,\n DateStart: null,\n DateExpire: null,\n DocumentUrl: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isAgreement(o: any): o is Agreement {\n return (\n o instanceof Agreement ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, ['Id', 'Name', 'DateStart', 'DateExpire', 'DocumentUrl', 'CompanyId', 'Company'])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class CompanySettings extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = CompanySettings;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'LogoIconName'!: string | null;\n 'CloseSignPageAfterOkForUnregisteredCounterparties'!: boolean | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'YearsCompanyWithUs'!: number | null;\n 'FreeTransactionsCount'!: number | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'StartDate'!: Date | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'EndDate'!: Date | null;\n 'UsedCount'!: number | null;\n 'IsHandled'!: boolean | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n LogoIconName: null,\n CloseSignPageAfterOkForUnregisteredCounterparties: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n YearsCompanyWithUs: null,\n FreeTransactionsCount: null,\n StartDate: null,\n EndDate: null,\n UsedCount: null,\n IsHandled: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isCompanySettings(o: any): o is CompanySettings {\n return (\n o instanceof CompanySettings ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'LogoIconName',\n 'CloseSignPageAfterOkForUnregisteredCounterparties',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'YearsCompanyWithUs',\n 'FreeTransactionsCount',\n 'StartDate',\n 'EndDate',\n 'UsedCount',\n 'IsHandled',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Moderators } from './Moderators.model';\nimport { DictionaryValue } from './DictionaryValue.model';\nimport { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { CompanyType } from './CompanyType.model';\nimport { BankAccount } from './BankAccount.model';\nimport { OrgUnit } from './OrgUnit.model';\nimport { DocumentType } from './DocumentType.model';\nimport { FactDocument } from './FactDocument.model';\nimport { Folder } from './Folder.model';\nimport { Counterparty } from './Counterparty.model';\nimport { FactDocumentTableFilter } from './FactDocumentTableFilter.model';\nimport { Dictionary } from './Dictionary.model';\nimport { FactDocumentVirtualOption } from './FactDocumentVirtualOption.model';\nimport { CompanyChangeDirectorRequest } from './CompanyChangeDirectorRequest.model';\nimport { ClientApplication } from './ClientApplication.model';\nimport { CompanyNotebook } from './CompanyNotebook.model';\nimport { Integration1CSourceFile } from './Integration1CSourceFile.model';\nimport { Agreement } from './Agreement.model';\nimport { CompanySettings } from './CompanySettings.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class Company extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = Company;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n 'NameKZ'!: string | null;\n 'NameEN'!: string | null;\n 'BIN'!: string;\n 'RNN'!: string | null;\n 'Email'!: string | null;\n 'BillingEmail'!: string | null;\n 'Emails'!: Array;\n 'WebSite'!: string | null;\n 'PhoneNumber'!: string | null;\n 'PhoneCode'!: string | null;\n 'MobilePhoneNumber'!: string | null;\n 'Address'!: string | null;\n 'AddressKz'!: string | null;\n 'Kogd'!: string | null;\n 'ImageBase64'!: string | null;\n 'ResponsibleModeratorId'!: string | null;\n 'ModeratorId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Moderators)\n 'Moderator'!: Moderators | null;\n 'NDSCertificateNum'!: string | null;\n 'NDSCertificateSeries'!: string | null;\n 'KbeDictionaryValueId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => DictionaryValue)\n 'KbeDictionaryValue'!: DictionaryValue | null;\n 'IsNDS'!: boolean | null;\n 'UpdatedDate'!: string | null;\n 'EnterpriseAdministrator'!: string | null;\n 'IsBlockedAsIndividual'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsBlockedAsEnterprise'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsDocumentRoutesOpen'!: boolean | null;\n 'HasVAT'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'RegistrationDate'!: Date | null;\n 'AttractionSource'!: string | null;\n 'DirectorId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Director'!: Employee | null;\n 'CompanyTypeId'!: number | null;\n @Property(() => CompanyType)\n 'CompanyType'!: CompanyType | null;\n 'ConsignmentNoteMainAccountantIsNotProvided'!: boolean | null;\n 'ConsignmentNoteQuickSignIsEmpty'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Employees'!: Array;\n @Property(() => BankAccount)\n 'BankAccounts'!: Array;\n @Property(() => OrgUnit)\n 'OrgUnits'!: Array;\n @Property(() => DocumentType)\n 'DocumentTypes'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocument)\n 'CompanyOwnerFactDocuments'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Folder)\n 'Folders'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Counterparty)\n 'Counterparties'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Counterparty)\n 'CounterpartyCompanies'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentTableFilter)\n 'FactDocumentTableFilters'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Dictionary)\n 'Dictionaries'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentVirtualOption)\n 'FactDocumentVirtualOptions'!: Array;\n @Property(() => CompanyChangeDirectorRequest)\n 'CompanyChangeDirectorRequests'!: Array;\n 'IsIndividual'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => ClientApplication)\n 'ClientApplications'!: Array;\n @Property(() => CompanyNotebook)\n 'CompanyNotebooks'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Integration1CSourceFile)\n 'CompanyIntegrationModules'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Agreement)\n 'Agreements'!: Array;\n @Property(() => CompanySettings)\n 'CompanySettings'!: CompanySettings | null;\n 'IsBlocked'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n 'IsRegistered'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n 'IsLegacyImported'!: boolean | null;\n 'LegacyId'!: string | null;\n 'IsRequiredOrgUnitInInboxRoute'!: boolean | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n NameKZ: null,\n NameEN: null,\n BIN: '',\n RNN: null,\n Email: null,\n BillingEmail: null,\n Emails: [],\n WebSite: null,\n PhoneNumber: null,\n PhoneCode: null,\n MobilePhoneNumber: null,\n Address: null,\n AddressKz: null,\n Kogd: null,\n ImageBase64: null,\n ResponsibleModeratorId: null,\n ModeratorId: null,\n Moderator: null,\n NDSCertificateNum: null,\n NDSCertificateSeries: null,\n KbeDictionaryValueId: null,\n KbeDictionaryValue: null,\n IsNDS: null,\n UpdatedDate: null,\n EnterpriseAdministrator: null,\n IsBlockedAsIndividual: null,\n IsBlockedAsEnterprise: null,\n IsDocumentRoutesOpen: null,\n HasVAT: null,\n RegistrationDate: null,\n AttractionSource: null,\n DirectorId: null,\n Director: null,\n CompanyTypeId: null,\n CompanyType: null,\n ConsignmentNoteMainAccountantIsNotProvided: null,\n ConsignmentNoteQuickSignIsEmpty: null,\n Employees: [],\n BankAccounts: [],\n OrgUnits: [],\n DocumentTypes: [],\n CompanyOwnerFactDocuments: [],\n Folders: [],\n Counterparties: [],\n CounterpartyCompanies: [],\n FactDocumentTableFilters: [],\n Dictionaries: [],\n FactDocumentVirtualOptions: [],\n CompanyChangeDirectorRequests: [],\n IsIndividual: null,\n ClientApplications: [],\n CompanyNotebooks: [],\n CompanyIntegrationModules: [],\n Agreements: [],\n CompanySettings: null,\n IsBlocked: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n IsRegistered: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n IsLegacyImported: null,\n LegacyId: null,\n IsRequiredOrgUnitInInboxRoute: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isCompany(o: any): o is Company {\n return o instanceof Company || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name', 'BIN']);\n }\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { CertificateIssuerType } from './CertificateIssuerType.model';\nimport { BankAccount } from './BankAccount.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class Counterparty extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = Counterparty;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'CounterpartyCompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'CounterpartyCompany'!: Company | null;\n 'DirectorName'!: string | null;\n 'DirectorIin'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => CertificateIssuerType)\n 'IssuerType'!: CertificateIssuerType | null;\n 'TIN'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n 'Email'!: string | null;\n 'Emails'!: Array;\n 'WebSite'!: string | null;\n 'PhoneNumber'!: string | null;\n 'PhoneNumbers'!: Array;\n 'Address'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => BankAccount)\n 'BankAccounts'!: Array;\n 'Addresses'!: Array;\n 'DatasetFilterById'!: string | null;\n 'DatasetItemId'!: string | null;\n 'DatasetItemValue'!: string | null;\n 'DatasetItemDisplayValue'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n CounterpartyCompanyId: null,\n CounterpartyCompany: null,\n DirectorName: null,\n DirectorIin: null,\n IssuerType: null,\n TIN: null,\n Name: null,\n Email: null,\n Emails: [],\n WebSite: null,\n PhoneNumber: null,\n PhoneNumbers: [],\n Address: null,\n BankAccounts: [],\n Addresses: [],\n DatasetFilterById: null,\n DatasetItemId: null,\n DatasetItemValue: null,\n DatasetItemDisplayValue: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isCounterparty(o: any): o is Counterparty {\n return (\n o instanceof Counterparty ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'CounterpartyCompanyId',\n 'CounterpartyCompany',\n 'DirectorName',\n 'DirectorIin',\n 'IssuerType',\n 'TIN',\n 'Name',\n 'Email',\n 'Emails',\n 'WebSite',\n 'PhoneNumber',\n 'PhoneNumbers',\n 'Address',\n 'BankAccounts',\n 'Addresses',\n 'DatasetFilterById',\n 'DatasetItemId',\n 'DatasetItemValue',\n 'DatasetItemDisplayValue',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { Property } from './Property.model';\nimport { PropertyTableColumn } from './PropertyTableColumn.model';\nimport { DictionaryValue } from './DictionaryValue.model';\nimport { Property as PropertyDecorator } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class Dictionary extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = Dictionary;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'NameRu'!: string;\n 'NameKz'!: string | null;\n 'NameEn'!: string | null;\n 'DescriptionRu'!: string | null;\n 'DescriptionKz'!: string | null;\n 'DescriptionEn'!: string | null;\n 'IsSystem'!: boolean | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'UniqueName'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Property)\n 'Properties'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyTableColumn)\n 'PropertyTableColumns'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => DictionaryValue)\n 'DictionaryValues'!: Array;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n NameRu: '',\n NameKz: null,\n NameEn: null,\n DescriptionRu: null,\n DescriptionKz: null,\n DescriptionEn: null,\n IsSystem: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n UniqueName: null,\n Properties: [],\n PropertyTableColumns: [],\n DictionaryValues: [],\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isDictionary(o: any): o is Dictionary {\n return o instanceof Dictionary || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['NameRu']);\n }\n}\n","import { DictionaryValue } from './DictionaryValue.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class DictionaryValueSynonym extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = DictionaryValueSynonym;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Code'!: string | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n 'DictionaryValueId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => DictionaryValue)\n 'DictionaryValue'!: DictionaryValue | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Code: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n DictionaryValueId: null,\n DictionaryValue: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isDictionaryValueSynonym(o: any): o is DictionaryValueSynonym {\n return (\n o instanceof DictionaryValueSynonym ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'Code',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'DeleteId',\n 'DictionaryValueId',\n 'DictionaryValue',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Dictionary } from './Dictionary.model';\nimport { DictionaryValueSynonym } from './DictionaryValueSynonym.model';\nimport { FactDocumentField } from './FactDocumentField.model';\nimport { FactDocumentFieldValue } from './FactDocumentFieldValue.model';\nimport { PropertyRequirement } from './PropertyRequirement.model';\nimport { PropertyRequirementDetail } from './PropertyRequirementDetail.model';\nimport { BankAccount } from './BankAccount.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class DictionaryValue extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = DictionaryValue;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'ValueRu'!: string | null;\n 'ValueKz'!: string | null;\n 'ValueEn'!: string | null;\n 'Code'!: string | null;\n 'ExtraData'!: string | null;\n 'DisplayOrder'!: number | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n 'DictionaryId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Dictionary)\n 'Dictionary'!: Dictionary | null;\n @Property(() => DictionaryValueSynonym)\n 'DictionaryValueSynonyms'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentField)\n 'FactDocumentFields'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentFieldValue)\n 'FactDocumentFieldValues'!: Array;\n @Property(() => PropertyRequirement)\n 'PropertyRequirements'!: Array;\n @Property(() => PropertyRequirementDetail)\n 'PropertyRequirementDetails'!: Array;\n @Property(() => BankAccount)\n 'BankAccounts'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n ValueRu: null,\n ValueKz: null,\n ValueEn: null,\n Code: null,\n ExtraData: null,\n DisplayOrder: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n DictionaryId: null,\n Dictionary: null,\n DictionaryValueSynonyms: [],\n FactDocumentFields: [],\n FactDocumentFieldValues: [],\n PropertyRequirements: [],\n PropertyRequirementDetails: [],\n BankAccounts: [],\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isDictionaryValue(o: any): o is DictionaryValue {\n return (\n o instanceof DictionaryValue ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'ValueRu',\n 'ValueKz',\n 'ValueEn',\n 'Code',\n 'ExtraData',\n 'DisplayOrder',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'DeleteId',\n 'DictionaryId',\n 'Dictionary',\n 'DictionaryValueSynonyms',\n 'FactDocumentFields',\n 'FactDocumentFieldValues',\n 'PropertyRequirements',\n 'PropertyRequirementDetails',\n 'BankAccounts',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","export enum SystemDocumentGroup {\n ACCOUNTING = 1,\n FINANCIAL = 2,\n LEGAL = 3,\n CONSTITUTIVE = 4,\n HR = 5,\n PAPERWORK = 6,\n PURCHASE = 7,\n WAREHOUSE = 8,\n ORGANIZATIONAL = 9,\n GENERAL = 10,\n}\n","import { SystemDocumentGroup } from './SystemDocumentGroup.model';\nimport { DocumentType } from './DocumentType.model';\nimport { FactDocument } from './FactDocument.model';\nimport { DocumentGroupStepDescription } from './DocumentGroupStepDescription.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class DocumentGroup extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = DocumentGroup;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n 'Description'!: string | null;\n 'OrderNumber'!: number | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => SystemDocumentGroup)\n 'Flag'!: SystemDocumentGroup | null;\n @Property(() => DocumentType)\n 'DocumentTypes'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocument)\n 'FactDocuments'!: Array;\n @Property(() => DocumentGroupStepDescription)\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescriptions'!: Array;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: null,\n Description: null,\n OrderNumber: null,\n Flag: null,\n DocumentTypes: [],\n FactDocuments: [],\n DocumentGroupStepDescriptions: [],\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isDocumentGroup(o: any): o is DocumentGroup {\n return (\n o instanceof DocumentGroup ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'Name',\n 'Description',\n 'OrderNumber',\n 'Flag',\n 'DocumentTypes',\n 'FactDocuments',\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescriptions',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'DeleteId',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { DocumentGroup } from './DocumentGroup.model';\nimport { DocumentType } from './DocumentType.model';\nimport { WorkflowInternalStep } from './WorkflowInternalStep.model';\nimport { WorkflowExternalStageStep } from './WorkflowExternalStageStep.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class DocumentGroupStepDescription extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = DocumentGroupStepDescription;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Description'!: string;\n 'IsInbox'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsIndividual'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsRequired'!: boolean | null;\n 'DocumentGroupId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => DocumentGroup)\n 'DocumentGroup'!: DocumentGroup | null;\n 'DocumentTypeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => DocumentType)\n 'DocumentType'!: DocumentType | null;\n @Property(() => WorkflowInternalStep)\n 'WorkflowInternalSteps'!: Array;\n @Property(() => WorkflowExternalStageStep)\n 'WorkflowExternalStageSteps'!: Array;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Description: '',\n IsInbox: null,\n IsIndividual: null,\n IsRequired: null,\n DocumentGroupId: null,\n DocumentGroup: null,\n DocumentTypeId: null,\n DocumentType: null,\n WorkflowInternalSteps: [],\n WorkflowExternalStageSteps: [],\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isDocumentGroupStepDescription(o: any): o is DocumentGroupStepDescription {\n return o instanceof DocumentGroupStepDescription || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Description']);\n }\n}\n","export enum DocumentRouteStepActionEnum {\n SIGN = 0,\n APPROVE = 1,\n INFORM = 2,\n}\n","export enum SystemDocumentType {\n PAYMENT_INVOICE = 2,\n CONSIGNMENT_NOTE = 3,\n CONSIGNMENT_NOTE_RETURN = 4,\n ACT_OF_ACCEPTANCE = 5,\n POWER_OF_ATTORNEY = 6,\n INVOICE_SIMPLIFIED = 7,\n ACT_OF_RECONCILIATION = 8,\n ACT_OF_ACCEPTANCE_WITH_NDS = 9,\n GENERAL_INTERNAL = 100,\n GENERAL_EXTERNAL = 101,\n PACKAGE_INTERNAL = 200,\n PACKAGE_EXTERNAL = 201,\n COMPANY_PRIVATE_TEMPLATE_DOCUMENT = 1001,\n TEMPLATE_INTERNAL = 1011,\n TEMPLATE_EXTERNAL = 1012,\n}\n","import { SystemDocumentType } from './SystemDocumentType.model';\nimport { DocumentTypeCategory } from './DocumentTypeCategory.model';\nimport { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { DocumentGroup } from './DocumentGroup.model';\nimport { Property } from './Property.model';\nimport { FactDocument } from './FactDocument.model';\nimport { WorkflowTemplate } from './WorkflowTemplate.model';\nimport { DocumentGroupStepDescription } from './DocumentGroupStepDescription.model';\nimport { Property as PropertyDecorator } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class DocumentType extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = DocumentType;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'NameRu'!: string;\n 'DescriptionRu'!: string | null;\n 'IsSystem'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsConstructor'!: boolean | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => SystemDocumentType)\n 'Flag'!: SystemDocumentType | null;\n 'IsReceiverSignRequired'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsPrivate'!: boolean | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => DocumentTypeCategory)\n 'Category'!: DocumentTypeCategory | null;\n 'HtmlTemplateProperties'!: string | null;\n 'HtmlTemplate'!: string | null;\n 'StorageTemplateId'!: string | null;\n 'Config'!: string | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsTemp'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n 'IsCompleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsHidden'!: boolean | null;\n 'HasNDS'!: boolean | null;\n 'ParentId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => DocumentType)\n 'Parent'!: DocumentType | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => DocumentType)\n 'Children'!: Array;\n 'IsBlock'!: boolean | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'IsIndividual'!: boolean | null;\n 'TemplateContentCalculatorClass'!: string | null;\n 'DocumentTypeUniqueCode'!: string | null;\n 'IsCurrencyFormatRequired'!: boolean | null;\n 'NeedToHideDocumentSumFieldOnUI'!: boolean | null;\n 'DocumentGroupId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => DocumentGroup)\n 'DocumentGroup'!: DocumentGroup | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Property)\n 'Properties'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => FactDocument)\n 'FactDocuments'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => WorkflowTemplate)\n 'WorkflowTemplates'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => DocumentGroupStepDescription)\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescriptions'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n NameRu: '',\n DescriptionRu: null,\n IsSystem: null,\n IsConstructor: null,\n Flag: null,\n IsReceiverSignRequired: null,\n IsPrivate: null,\n Category: null,\n HtmlTemplateProperties: null,\n HtmlTemplate: null,\n StorageTemplateId: null,\n Config: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n IsTemp: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n IsCompleted: null,\n IsHidden: null,\n HasNDS: null,\n ParentId: null,\n Parent: null,\n Children: [],\n IsBlock: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n IsIndividual: null,\n TemplateContentCalculatorClass: null,\n DocumentTypeUniqueCode: null,\n IsCurrencyFormatRequired: null,\n NeedToHideDocumentSumFieldOnUI: null,\n DocumentGroupId: null,\n DocumentGroup: null,\n Properties: [],\n FactDocuments: [],\n WorkflowTemplates: [],\n DocumentGroupStepDescriptions: [],\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isDocumentType(o: any): o is DocumentType {\n return o instanceof DocumentType || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['NameRu']);\n }\n}\n","export enum DocumentTypeCategory {\n INTERNAL = 0,\n EXTERNAL = 1,\n}\n","export enum SystemNotificationCategory {\n SYSTEM = 1,\n DOCUMENTS = 2,\n}\n","export enum SystemNotificationStatus {\n NEW = 1,\n READ = 2,\n}\n","import { SystemNotificationCategory } from './SystemNotificationCategory.model';\nimport { SystemNotificationStatus } from './SystemNotificationStatus.model';\nimport { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class SystemNotification extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = SystemNotification;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => SystemNotificationCategory)\n 'Category'!: SystemNotificationCategory | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => SystemNotificationStatus)\n 'Status'!: SystemNotificationStatus | null;\n 'Subject'!: string;\n 'Description'!: string;\n 'IconUrl'!: string;\n 'Link'!: string | null;\n 'LinkText'!: string | null;\n 'Counterparties'!: string | null;\n 'EmployeeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Employee'!: Employee | null;\n 'Email'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Category: null,\n Status: null,\n Subject: '',\n Description: '',\n IconUrl: '',\n Link: null,\n LinkText: null,\n Counterparties: null,\n EmployeeId: null,\n Employee: null,\n Email: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isSystemNotification(o: any): o is SystemNotification {\n return o instanceof SystemNotification || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Subject', 'Description', 'IconUrl']);\n }\n}\n","export enum EmailNotificationCode {\n GENERAL = 0,\n ORGANIZATION_REGISTERED = 1,\n INDIVIDUAL_REGISTERED = 2,\n PASSWORD_RECOVERY_REQUEST = 3,\n PASSWORD_RECOVERED = 4,\n TWO_FACTOR_VERIFICATION = 5,\n PASSWORD_CHANGED = 6,\n TWO_FACTOR_SWITCH_ON_REQUEST = 7,\n TWO_FACTOR_SWITCH_OFF_REQUEST = 8,\n TWO_FACTOR_SWITCHED_ON = 9,\n ORGANIZATION_PROFILE_SENDING_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTS_BLOCKED = 10,\n INDIVIDUAL_PROFILE_SENDING_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTS_BLOCKED = 11,\n ORGANIZATION_PROFILE_SENDING_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTS_UNBLOCKED = 12,\n INDIVIDUAL_PROFILE_SENDING_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTS_UNBLOCKED = 13,\n EMPLOYEE_UNREGISTERED_INVITED = 14,\n EMPLOYEE_REGISTERED_INVITED = 15,\n COUNTERPARTY_ORGANIZATION_UNREGISTERED_ADDED = 16,\n COUNTERPARTY_INDIVIDUAL_UNREGISTERED_ADDED = 17,\n EMPLOYEE_DELETED = 101,\n EMPLOYEE_BLOCKED = 102,\n EMPLOYEE_UNBLOCKED = 103,\n EMPLOYEE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGED = 104,\n DIRECTOR_CHANGE_REQUEST_APPROVED = 105,\n DIRECTOR_CHANGE_REQUEST_DECLINED = 106,\n BILLING_ORGANIZATION_FREE_PLAN_CLOSE = 107,\n BILLING_INDIVIDUAL_FREE_PLAN_CLOSE = 108,\n BILLING_ORGANIZATION_PAYMENT = 109,\n BILLING_INDIVIDUAL_PAYMENT = 110,\n BILLING_ORGANIZATION_EXPIRED_PAYMENT_WARNING = 111,\n BILLING_INDIVIDUAL_EXPIRED_PAYMENT_WARNING = 112,\n BILLING_ORGANIZATION_BLOCKED = 113,\n BILLING_INDIVIDUAL_BLOCKED = 114,\n BILLING_ORGANIZATION_BLOCKED_PAYMENT = 115,\n BILLING_INDIVIDUAL_BLOCKED_PAYMENT = 116,\n COUNTERPARTY_ORGANIZATION_REGISTERED = 201,\n COUNTERPARTY_INDIVIDUAL_REGISTERED = 202,\n DOCUMENT_TO_UNREGISTERED_ORGANIZATION_COUNTERPARTY = 301,\n DOCUMENT_TO_UNREGISTERED_INDIVIDUAL_COUNTERPARTY = 302,\n DOCUMENT_RECALLED_FROM_UNREGISTERED_ORGANIZATION_COUNTERPARTY = 303,\n DOCUMENT_RECALLED_FROM_UNREGISTERED_INDIVIDUAL_COUNTERPARTY = 304,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_OUTBOX_APPROVE_REQUIRED = 401,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_OUTBOX_SIGN_REQUIRED = 402,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_OUTBOX_SENDER_STAGE_APPROVED = 403,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_OUTBOX_SENDER_STAGE_SIGNED = 404,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_OUTBOX_WORKFLOW_REVOKED_BY_EMPLOYEE = 405,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_OUTBOX_WORKFLOW_CANCELLED_BY_AUTHOR = 406,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_OUTBOX_RECALLED_BY_AUTHOR = 407,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_OUTBOX_COUNTERPARTY_STAGE_APPROVED = 408,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_OUTBOX_COUNTERPARTY_STAGE_SIGNED = 409,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_OUTBOX_COUNTERPARTY_STAGE_REVOKED = 410,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_INBOX_NEW = 411,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_INBOX_RECALLED_BY_SENDER = 412,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_INBOX_APPROVE_REQUIRED = 413,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_INBOX_SIGN_REQUIRED = 414,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_INBOX_COUNTERPARTY_STAGE_APPROVED = 415,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_INBOX_COUNTERPARTY_STAGE_SIGNED = 416,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_INBOX_WORKFLOW_REVOKED_BY_EMPLOYEE = 417,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_INBOX_WORKFLOW_CANCELLED_BY_STAGE_OWNER = 418,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_INBOX_REVOKED_BY_COUNTERPARTY = 419,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_INBOX_ASSIGN_RESPONSIBLE = 420,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_INBOX_DECLINE_RESPONSIBLE = 421,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_INBOX_CANCEL_RESPONSIBLE = 422,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_SHARING = 423,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_COMMENT_NEW = 424,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_COMMENT_TAG = 425,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_OUTBOX_REPLACE_WORKFLOW_EMPLOYEE = 426,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_INBOX_REPLACE_WORKFLOW_EMPLOYEE = 427,\n DOCUMENT_INTERNAL_APPROVE_REQUIRED = 501,\n DOCUMENT_INTERNAL_SIGN_REQUIRED = 502,\n DOCUMENT_INTERNAL_APPROVED_FINISHED = 503,\n DOCUMENT_INTERNAL_SIGNED_FINISHED = 504,\n DOCUMENT_INTERNAL_WORKFLOW_REVOKED_BY_EMPLOYEE = 505,\n DOCUMENT_INTERNAL_WORKFLOW_CANCELLED_BY_AUTHOR = 506,\n DOCUMENT_INTERNAL_INFORM_REQUIRED = 507,\n DOCUMENT_INTERNAL_INFORM_FINISHED = 508,\n DOCUMENT_INTERNAL_SHARING = 509,\n DOCUMENT_INTERNAL_COMMENT_NEW = 510,\n DOCUMENT_INTERNAL_COMMENT_TAG = 511,\n DOCUMENT_INTERNAL_REPLACE_WORKFLOW_EMPLOYEE = 512,\n DOCUMENT_INDIVIDUAL_EXTERNAL_OUTBOX_COUNTERPARTY_STAGE_APPROVED = 601,\n DOCUMENT_INDIVIDUAL_EXTERNAL_OUTBOX_COUNTERPARTY_STAGE_SIGNED = 602,\n DOCUMENT_INDIVIDUAL_EXTERNAL_OUTBOX_COUNTERPARTY_STAGE_REVOKED = 603,\n DOCUMENT_INDIVIDUAL_EXTERNAL_INBOX_NEW = 604,\n DOCUMENT_INDIVIDUAL_EXTERNAL_INBOX_RECALLED_BY_SENDER = 605,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_REGISTERED_INDIVIDUAL_REMINDER = 701,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_REGISTERED_ORGANIZATION_REMINDER = 702,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_UNREGISTERED_INDIVIDUAL_REMINDER = 703,\n DOCUMENT_EXTERNAL_UNREGISTERED_ORGANIZATION_REMINDER = 704,\n CLIENT_APPLICATION_NEW_FUCNTIONALITY = 705,\n CLIENT_APPLICATION_NEW_FUCNTIONALITY_IS_PUBLISHED = 706,\n CLIENT_APPLICATION_NEW_FUCNTIONALITY_CUSTOM_MESSAGE = 707,\n CLIENT_APPLICATION_NEW_FUCNTIONALITY_ACCEPTED = 708,\n CLIENT_APPLICATION_NEW_FUCNTIONALITY_DECLINED = 709,\n}\n","export enum EmailNotificationGroup {\n SYSTEM = 1,\n ORGANIZATION = 2,\n COUNTERPARTIES = 3,\n BILLING = 4,\n EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTS = 5,\n INTERNAL_DOCUMENTS = 6,\n}\n","import { EmailNotificationGroup } from './EmailNotificationGroup.model';\nimport { EmailNotificationType } from './EmailNotificationType.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class EmailNotificationTypeGroup extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = EmailNotificationTypeGroup;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n 'Description'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => EmailNotificationGroup)\n 'Flag'!: EmailNotificationGroup | null;\n @Property(() => EmailNotificationType)\n 'EmailNotificationTypes'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n Description: null,\n Flag: null,\n EmailNotificationTypes: [],\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isEmailNotificationTypeGroup(o: any): o is EmailNotificationTypeGroup {\n return o instanceof EmailNotificationTypeGroup || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name']);\n }\n}\n","import { EmailNotificationCode } from './EmailNotificationCode.model';\nimport { EmailNotificationTypeGroup } from './EmailNotificationTypeGroup.model';\nimport { EmployeeEmailNotificationType } from './EmployeeEmailNotificationType.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class EmailNotificationType extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = EmailNotificationType;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n 'Description'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => EmailNotificationCode)\n 'Flag'!: EmailNotificationCode | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => EmailNotificationCode)\n 'RelatedFlag'!: EmailNotificationCode | null;\n 'IsIndividual'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsVisible'!: boolean | null;\n 'OnlySystem'!: boolean | null;\n 'EmailNotificationTypeGroupId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => EmailNotificationTypeGroup)\n 'EmailNotificationTypeGroup'!: EmailNotificationTypeGroup | null;\n @Property(() => EmployeeEmailNotificationType)\n 'EmployeeEmailNotificationTypes'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n Description: null,\n Flag: null,\n RelatedFlag: null,\n IsIndividual: null,\n IsVisible: null,\n OnlySystem: null,\n EmailNotificationTypeGroupId: null,\n EmailNotificationTypeGroup: null,\n EmployeeEmailNotificationTypes: [],\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isEmailNotificationType(o: any): o is EmailNotificationType {\n return o instanceof EmailNotificationType || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name']);\n }\n}\n","export enum NotificationCategory {\n SYSTEM = 1,\n EMAIL = 2,\n}\n","import { EmailNotificationType } from './EmailNotificationType.model';\nimport { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { NotificationCategory } from './NotificationCategory.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class EmployeeEmailNotificationType extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = EmployeeEmailNotificationType;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'EmailNotificationTypeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => EmailNotificationType)\n 'EmailNotificationType'!: EmailNotificationType | null;\n 'EmployeeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Employee'!: Employee | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => NotificationCategory)\n 'NotificationCategory'!: NotificationCategory | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n EmailNotificationTypeId: null,\n EmailNotificationType: null,\n EmployeeId: null,\n Employee: null,\n NotificationCategory: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isEmployeeEmailNotificationType(o: any): o is EmployeeEmailNotificationType {\n return (\n o instanceof EmployeeEmailNotificationType ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'EmailNotificationTypeId',\n 'EmailNotificationType',\n 'EmployeeId',\n 'Employee',\n 'NotificationCategory',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { FactDocument } from './FactDocument.model';\nimport { FactDocumentComment } from './FactDocumentComment.model';\nimport { OrgUnitEmployee } from './OrgUnitEmployee.model';\nimport { Folder } from './Folder.model';\nimport { FactDocumentTableFilter } from './FactDocumentTableFilter.model';\nimport { FactDocumentShare } from './FactDocumentShare.model';\nimport { SystemNotification } from './SystemNotification.model';\nimport { FactDocumentFile } from './FactDocumentFile.model';\nimport { EmployeeEmailNotificationType } from './EmployeeEmailNotificationType.model';\nimport { WorkflowTemplateFavorite } from './WorkflowTemplateFavorite.model';\nimport { WorkflowTemplateStep } from './WorkflowTemplateStep.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class Employee extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = Employee;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'ApplicationUserAccountId'!: string | null;\n 'IsBlocked'!: boolean | null;\n 'FirstName'!: string;\n 'LastName'!: string;\n 'MiddleName'!: string | null;\n 'FullName'!: string | null;\n 'OfficialFullName'!: string | null;\n 'Email'!: string | null;\n 'IIN'!: string | null;\n 'PhoneNumber'!: string | null;\n 'PhoneCode'!: string | null;\n 'RoleId'!: string | null;\n 'RoleName'!: string | null;\n 'CertIsValid'!: boolean | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'PositionName'!: string | null;\n 'IsResponsible'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => FactDocument)\n 'FactDocuments'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentComment)\n 'FactDocumentComments'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocument)\n 'OwnerDocuments'!: Array;\n @Property(() => OrgUnitEmployee)\n 'OrgUnitEmployees'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'DirectorCompanies'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Folder)\n 'Folders'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentTableFilter)\n 'FactDocumentTableFilters'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentShare)\n 'FactDocumentShares'!: Array;\n @Property(() => SystemNotification)\n 'SystemNotifications'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentFile)\n 'Signatures'!: Array;\n @Property(() => EmployeeEmailNotificationType)\n 'EmployeeEmailNotificationTypes'!: Array;\n @Property(() => WorkflowTemplateFavorite)\n 'WorkflowTemplateFavorites'!: Array;\n @Property(() => WorkflowTemplateStep)\n 'WorkflowTemplateSteps'!: Array;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n 'ProfileImageStorageId'!: string | null;\n 'IsLegacyImported'!: boolean | null;\n 'LegacyId'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n ApplicationUserAccountId: null,\n IsBlocked: null,\n FirstName: '',\n LastName: '',\n MiddleName: null,\n FullName: null,\n OfficialFullName: null,\n Email: null,\n IIN: null,\n PhoneNumber: null,\n PhoneCode: null,\n RoleId: null,\n RoleName: null,\n CertIsValid: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n PositionName: null,\n IsResponsible: null,\n FactDocuments: [],\n FactDocumentComments: [],\n OwnerDocuments: [],\n OrgUnitEmployees: [],\n DirectorCompanies: [],\n Folders: [],\n FactDocumentTableFilters: [],\n FactDocumentShares: [],\n SystemNotifications: [],\n Signatures: [],\n EmployeeEmailNotificationTypes: [],\n WorkflowTemplateFavorites: [],\n WorkflowTemplateSteps: [],\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n ProfileImageStorageId: null,\n IsLegacyImported: null,\n LegacyId: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isEmployee(o: any): o is Employee {\n return o instanceof Employee || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['FirstName', 'LastName']);\n }\n}\n","export enum SystemDocumentStatus {\n DRAFT = 1,\n ON_PROCESSING_BY_SENDER = 2,\n REJECTED_BY_EMPLOYEE = 3,\n SENT = 4,\n ON_PROCESSING_BY_RECIPIENT = 5,\n REJECTED_BY_RECIPIENT = 6,\n COMPLETED = 7,\n RECALLED_BY_SENDER = 8,\n}\n","import { SystemDocumentStatus } from './SystemDocumentStatus.model';\nimport { FactDocument } from './FactDocument.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class FactDocumentStatus extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = FactDocumentStatus;\n 'Id'!: number | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n 'Description'!: string | null;\n 'CanDelete'!: boolean | null;\n 'Color'!: string | null;\n 'Icon'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => SystemDocumentStatus)\n 'Flag'!: SystemDocumentStatus | null;\n @Property(() => FactDocument)\n 'FactDocuments'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n Description: null,\n CanDelete: null,\n Color: null,\n Icon: null,\n Flag: null,\n FactDocuments: [],\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isFactDocumentStatus(o: any): o is FactDocumentStatus {\n return o instanceof FactDocumentStatus || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name']);\n }\n}\n","export enum FactDocumentCreationType {\n TEMPLATE = 0,\n PLAIN_TEXT = 1,\n FILE = 2,\n IMPORTED = 3,\n PACKAGE = 4,\n}\n","export enum SystemNDSType {\n NOT_SPECIFIED = 1,\n SPECIFIED = 2,\n SPECIFIED_INCLUDED = 3,\n}\n","export enum FactDocumentHistoryEvent {\n CREATED = 1,\n WORKFLOWSTARTED = 2,\n REJECTED = 3,\n EDITED = 4,\n APPROVED = 5,\n SIGNED = 6,\n SENT = 7,\n DOWNLOADED = 8,\n ARCHIVED = 9,\n VIEWED = 10,\n INFORMED = 11,\n RECALLED = 12,\n WORKFLOWCANCELLED = 13,\n WORKFLOWOWNERSET = 14,\n DELETED = 15,\n RESTORED = 16,\n REJECTEDBYEMPLOYEE = 17,\n WORFKLOWOWNERCANCELED = 18,\n WORKFLOWOWNERDECLINED = 19,\n SHARINGOPENED = 20,\n SHARINGCLOSED = 21,\n WORFKLOWOWNERACCEPTED = 22,\n REPLACEWORKWLOWEMPLOYEE = 23,\n DOCUMENTCANCELLATION = 24,\n}\n","import { FactDocument } from './FactDocument.model';\nimport { FactDocumentHistoryEvent } from './FactDocumentHistoryEvent.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class FactDocumentHistory extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = FactDocumentHistory;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'FactDocumentId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => FactDocument)\n 'FactDocument'!: FactDocument | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'Moment'!: Date | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => FactDocumentHistoryEvent)\n 'Event'!: FactDocumentHistoryEvent | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n 'CompanyName'!: string | null;\n 'EmployeeFullName'!: string | null;\n 'EmployeePositionAtMoment'!: string | null;\n 'Comment'!: string | null;\n 'EmployeeId'!: string | null;\n 'AdditionalInfo'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n FactDocumentId: null,\n FactDocument: null,\n Moment: null,\n Event: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n CompanyName: null,\n EmployeeFullName: null,\n EmployeePositionAtMoment: null,\n Comment: null,\n EmployeeId: null,\n AdditionalInfo: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isFactDocumentHistory(o: any): o is FactDocumentHistory {\n return (\n o instanceof FactDocumentHistory ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'FactDocumentId',\n 'FactDocument',\n 'Moment',\n 'Event',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'CompanyName',\n 'EmployeeFullName',\n 'EmployeePositionAtMoment',\n 'Comment',\n 'EmployeeId',\n 'AdditionalInfo',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","export enum ImportSourceType {\n ONE_C = 0,\n SAP = 1,\n ExternalIntegrationAPI = 2,\n}\n","import { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { DocumentGroup } from './DocumentGroup.model';\nimport { DocumentType } from './DocumentType.model';\nimport { FactDocumentStatus } from './FactDocumentStatus.model';\nimport { FactDocumentCreationType } from './FactDocumentCreationType.model';\nimport { DocumentTypeCategory } from './DocumentTypeCategory.model';\nimport { SystemNDSType } from './SystemNDSType.model';\nimport { FactDocumentFile } from './FactDocumentFile.model';\nimport { Folder } from './Folder.model';\nimport { FactDocumentVirtualOption } from './FactDocumentVirtualOption.model';\nimport { FactDocumentField } from './FactDocumentField.model';\nimport { FactDocumentShare } from './FactDocumentShare.model';\nimport { FactDocumentComment } from './FactDocumentComment.model';\nimport { FactDocumentHistory } from './FactDocumentHistory.model';\nimport { Workflow } from './Workflow.model';\nimport { ImportSourceType } from './ImportSourceType.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class FactDocument extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = FactDocument;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n 'EmployeeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Employee'!: Employee | null;\n 'OwnerId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Owner'!: Employee | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'DocumentGroupId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => DocumentGroup)\n 'DocumentGroup'!: DocumentGroup | null;\n 'DocumentTypeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => DocumentType)\n 'DocumentType'!: DocumentType | null;\n 'FactDocumentStatusId'!: number | null;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentStatus)\n 'FactDocumentStatus'!: FactDocumentStatus | null;\n 'RejectRecallId'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => FactDocumentCreationType)\n 'FactDocumentCreationType'!: FactDocumentCreationType | null;\n 'FactDocumentCreationTypeInt'!: number | null;\n 'IsTemplateDocument'!: boolean | null;\n 'TimestampMarker'!: number | null;\n 'HtmlDocument'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => DocumentTypeCategory)\n 'Category'!: DocumentTypeCategory | null;\n 'CategoryText'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => SystemNDSType)\n 'NDSType'!: SystemNDSType | null;\n 'NDSRate'!: number | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n 'IsPrivate'!: boolean | null;\n 'DocumentLinkIsOpened'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsValid'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsFinished'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentFile)\n 'FactDocumentFiles'!: Array;\n 'FolderId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Folder)\n 'Folder'!: Folder | null;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentVirtualOption)\n 'FactDocumentVirtualOptions'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentField)\n 'FactDocumentFields'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentShare)\n 'FactDocumentShares'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentComment)\n 'FactDocumentComments'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentHistory)\n 'FactDocumentHistory'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Workflow)\n 'WorkFlow'!: Workflow | null;\n 'CounterpartyIds'!: string | null;\n 'IsHardDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsCanceled'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsCancelationDocument'!: boolean | null;\n 'Number'!: string | null;\n 'Sum'!: number | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'Date'!: Date | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'SendDate'!: Date | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'SignDate'!: Date | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n 'IsLegacyImported'!: boolean | null;\n 'LegacyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'ImportDate'!: Date | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => ImportSourceType)\n 'ImportSourceType'!: ImportSourceType | null;\n 'ExternalId'!: string | null;\n 'IsImported'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsPackage'!: boolean | null;\n 'IntegrationImportAsyncOperationId'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n EmployeeId: null,\n Employee: null,\n OwnerId: null,\n Owner: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n DocumentGroupId: null,\n DocumentGroup: null,\n DocumentTypeId: null,\n DocumentType: null,\n FactDocumentStatusId: null,\n FactDocumentStatus: null,\n RejectRecallId: null,\n FactDocumentCreationType: null,\n FactDocumentCreationTypeInt: null,\n IsTemplateDocument: null,\n TimestampMarker: null,\n HtmlDocument: null,\n Category: null,\n CategoryText: null,\n NDSType: null,\n NDSRate: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n IsPrivate: null,\n DocumentLinkIsOpened: null,\n IsValid: null,\n IsFinished: null,\n FactDocumentFiles: [],\n FolderId: null,\n Folder: null,\n FactDocumentVirtualOptions: [],\n FactDocumentFields: [],\n FactDocumentShares: [],\n FactDocumentComments: [],\n FactDocumentHistory: [],\n WorkFlow: null,\n CounterpartyIds: null,\n IsHardDeleted: null,\n IsCanceled: null,\n IsCancelationDocument: null,\n Number: null,\n Sum: null,\n Date: null,\n SendDate: null,\n SignDate: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n IsLegacyImported: null,\n LegacyId: null,\n ImportDate: null,\n ImportSourceType: null,\n ExternalId: null,\n IsImported: null,\n IsPackage: null,\n IntegrationImportAsyncOperationId: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isFactDocument(o: any): o is FactDocument {\n return o instanceof FactDocument || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name']);\n }\n}\n","import { FactDocumentComment } from './FactDocumentComment.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class FactDocumentCommentFile extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = FactDocumentCommentFile;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'FactDocumentCommentId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentComment)\n 'FactDocumentComment'!: FactDocumentComment | null;\n 'StorageId'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n 'Extension'!: string | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n FactDocumentCommentId: null,\n FactDocumentComment: null,\n StorageId: null,\n Name: null,\n Extension: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isFactDocumentCommentFile(o: any): o is FactDocumentCommentFile {\n return (\n o instanceof FactDocumentCommentFile ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'FactDocumentCommentId',\n 'FactDocumentComment',\n 'StorageId',\n 'Name',\n 'Extension',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { FactDocument } from './FactDocument.model';\nimport { FactDocumentCommentFile } from './FactDocumentCommentFile.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class FactDocumentComment extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = FactDocumentComment;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'EmployeeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Employee'!: Employee | null;\n 'FactDocumentId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => FactDocument)\n 'FactDocument'!: FactDocument | null;\n 'Comment'!: string | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'CommentTo'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentCommentFile)\n 'FactDocumentCommentFiles'!: Array;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n EmployeeId: null,\n Employee: null,\n FactDocumentId: null,\n FactDocument: null,\n Comment: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n CommentTo: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n FactDocumentCommentFiles: [],\n };\n }\n\n public static isFactDocumentComment(o: any): o is FactDocumentComment {\n return (\n o instanceof FactDocumentComment ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'EmployeeId',\n 'Employee',\n 'FactDocumentId',\n 'FactDocument',\n 'Comment',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'CommentTo',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n 'FactDocumentCommentFiles',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { FactDocument } from './FactDocument.model';\nimport { Property } from './Property.model';\nimport { DictionaryValue } from './DictionaryValue.model';\nimport { FactDocumentFieldValue } from './FactDocumentFieldValue.model';\nimport { Property as PropertyDecorator } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class FactDocumentField extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = FactDocumentField;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'FactDocumentId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => FactDocument)\n 'FactDocument'!: FactDocument | null;\n 'PropertyId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Property)\n 'Property'!: Property | null;\n 'DoubleValue'!: number | null;\n 'StringValue'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'DateValue'!: Date | null;\n 'BoolValue'!: boolean | null;\n 'IntegerValue'!: number | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n 'IsTable'!: boolean | null;\n 'DictionaryValueId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => DictionaryValue)\n 'DictionaryValue'!: DictionaryValue | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => FactDocumentFieldValue)\n 'FactDocumentFieldValues'!: Array;\n 'ParentId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => FactDocumentField)\n 'Parent'!: FactDocumentField | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => FactDocumentField)\n 'Children'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n FactDocumentId: null,\n FactDocument: null,\n PropertyId: null,\n Property: null,\n DoubleValue: null,\n StringValue: null,\n DateValue: null,\n BoolValue: null,\n IntegerValue: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n IsTable: null,\n DictionaryValueId: null,\n DictionaryValue: null,\n FactDocumentFieldValues: [],\n ParentId: null,\n Parent: null,\n Children: [],\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isFactDocumentField(o: any): o is FactDocumentField {\n return (\n o instanceof FactDocumentField ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'FactDocumentId',\n 'FactDocument',\n 'PropertyId',\n 'Property',\n 'DoubleValue',\n 'StringValue',\n 'DateValue',\n 'BoolValue',\n 'IntegerValue',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'DeleteId',\n 'IsTable',\n 'DictionaryValueId',\n 'DictionaryValue',\n 'FactDocumentFieldValues',\n 'ParentId',\n 'Parent',\n 'Children',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { FactDocumentField } from './FactDocumentField.model';\nimport { DictionaryValue } from './DictionaryValue.model';\nimport { PropertyTableColumn } from './PropertyTableColumn.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class FactDocumentFieldValue extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = FactDocumentFieldValue;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'FactDocumentFieldId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentField)\n 'FactDocumentField'!: FactDocumentField | null;\n 'DoubleValue'!: number | null;\n 'StringValue'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'DateValue'!: Date | null;\n 'BoolValue'!: boolean | null;\n 'IntegerValue'!: number | null;\n 'OrderNumber'!: number | null;\n 'DictionaryValueId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => DictionaryValue)\n 'DictionaryValue'!: DictionaryValue | null;\n 'PropertyTableColumnId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => PropertyTableColumn)\n 'PropertyTableColumn'!: PropertyTableColumn | null;\n 'IsDictionaryValue'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsTableColumnValue'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n FactDocumentFieldId: null,\n FactDocumentField: null,\n DoubleValue: null,\n StringValue: null,\n DateValue: null,\n BoolValue: null,\n IntegerValue: null,\n OrderNumber: null,\n DictionaryValueId: null,\n DictionaryValue: null,\n PropertyTableColumnId: null,\n PropertyTableColumn: null,\n IsDictionaryValue: null,\n IsTableColumnValue: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isFactDocumentFieldValue(o: any): o is FactDocumentFieldValue {\n return (\n o instanceof FactDocumentFieldValue ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'FactDocumentFieldId',\n 'FactDocumentField',\n 'DoubleValue',\n 'StringValue',\n 'DateValue',\n 'BoolValue',\n 'IntegerValue',\n 'OrderNumber',\n 'DictionaryValueId',\n 'DictionaryValue',\n 'PropertyTableColumnId',\n 'PropertyTableColumn',\n 'IsDictionaryValue',\n 'IsTableColumnValue',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","export enum FactDocumentFileType {\n CMS_SIGNATURE = 0,\n XML_SIGNATURE = 1,\n JSON_DATA = 2,\n XML_DATA = 3,\n PRINT_FORM = 4,\n BINARY = 5,\n HTML_DATA = 6,\n PLAIN_DATA_SIGNATURE = 7,\n PLAIN_DATA = 8,\n}\n","export enum FileExtension {\n UNKNOWN = 0,\n PDF = 1,\n DOC = 2,\n DOCX = 3,\n XLS = 4,\n XLSX = 5,\n PPT = 6,\n PPTX = 7,\n XML = 8,\n TXT = 9,\n JSON = 10,\n CSV = 11,\n RTF = 12,\n JPG = 13,\n JPEG = 14,\n PNG = 15,\n TIFF = 16,\n BMP = 17,\n}\n","import { FactDocumentFileType } from './FactDocumentFileType.model';\nimport { FactDocument } from './FactDocument.model';\nimport { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { FileExtension } from './FileExtension.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class FactDocumentFile extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = FactDocumentFile;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'StorageId'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n 'Length'!: number | null;\n 'MimeType'!: string | null;\n 'Extension'!: string | null;\n 'IsPrimary'!: boolean | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => FactDocumentFileType)\n 'FactDocumentFileType'!: FactDocumentFileType | null;\n 'FactDocumentId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => FactDocument)\n 'FactDocument'!: FactDocument | null;\n 'SignedById'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'SignedBy'!: Employee | null;\n 'RelatedFileId'!: string | null;\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescriptionId'!: string | null;\n 'SignatureValue'!: string | null;\n 'CertificateSerialNumber'!: string | null;\n 'SignerFullName'!: string | null;\n 'IsInbox'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n 'IsOriginalDocument'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsSignature'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsPrintForm'!: boolean | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => FileExtension)\n 'FileExtension'!: FileExtension | null;\n 'IsPDF'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsMSWordFile'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsMSExcelFile'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsMSPowerPointFile'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsTextFile'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsImageFile'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n 'IsPrintFormConstant'!: boolean | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n StorageId: null,\n Name: null,\n Length: null,\n MimeType: null,\n Extension: null,\n IsPrimary: null,\n FactDocumentFileType: null,\n FactDocumentId: null,\n FactDocument: null,\n SignedById: null,\n SignedBy: null,\n RelatedFileId: null,\n DocumentGroupStepDescriptionId: null,\n SignatureValue: null,\n CertificateSerialNumber: null,\n SignerFullName: null,\n IsInbox: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n IsOriginalDocument: null,\n IsSignature: null,\n IsPrintForm: null,\n FileExtension: null,\n IsPDF: null,\n IsMSWordFile: null,\n IsMSExcelFile: null,\n IsMSPowerPointFile: null,\n IsTextFile: null,\n IsImageFile: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n IsPrintFormConstant: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isFactDocumentFile(o: any): o is FactDocumentFile {\n return (\n o instanceof FactDocumentFile ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'StorageId',\n 'Name',\n 'Length',\n 'MimeType',\n 'Extension',\n 'IsPrimary',\n 'FactDocumentFileType',\n 'FactDocumentId',\n 'FactDocument',\n 'SignedById',\n 'SignedBy',\n 'RelatedFileId',\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescriptionId',\n 'SignatureValue',\n 'CertificateSerialNumber',\n 'SignerFullName',\n 'IsInbox',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'DeleteId',\n 'IsOriginalDocument',\n 'IsSignature',\n 'IsPrintForm',\n 'FileExtension',\n 'IsPDF',\n 'IsMSWordFile',\n 'IsMSExcelFile',\n 'IsMSPowerPointFile',\n 'IsTextFile',\n 'IsImageFile',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n 'IsPrintFormConstant',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","export enum FactDocumentShareType {\n MULTIPLE = 0,\n READ = 1,\n EDIT = 2,\n}\n","import { FactDocumentShareType } from './FactDocumentShareType.model';\nimport { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { FactDocument } from './FactDocument.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class FactDocumentShare extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = FactDocumentShare;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => FactDocumentShareType)\n 'ShareType'!: FactDocumentShareType;\n 'EmployeeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Employee'!: Employee | null;\n 'FactDocumentId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => FactDocument)\n 'FactDocument'!: FactDocument | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n ShareType: 0,\n EmployeeId: null,\n Employee: null,\n FactDocumentId: null,\n FactDocument: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isFactDocumentShare(o: any): o is FactDocumentShare {\n return o instanceof FactDocumentShare || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['ShareType']);\n }\n}\n","import { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class FactDocumentTableFilter extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = FactDocumentTableFilter;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n 'Route'!: string | null;\n 'ODataRoute'!: string | null;\n 'IsTileView'!: boolean | null;\n 'OrderByParameter'!: string | null;\n 'OrderByDirection'!: string | null;\n 'Page'!: number | null;\n 'PageSize'!: number | null;\n 'Order'!: number | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Employee'!: Employee | null;\n 'EmployeeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n 'IsFavorite'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: null,\n Route: null,\n ODataRoute: null,\n IsTileView: null,\n OrderByParameter: null,\n OrderByDirection: null,\n Page: null,\n PageSize: null,\n Order: null,\n Employee: null,\n EmployeeId: null,\n Company: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n IsFavorite: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isFactDocumentTableFilter(o: any): o is FactDocumentTableFilter {\n return (\n o instanceof FactDocumentTableFilter ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'Name',\n 'Route',\n 'ODataRoute',\n 'IsTileView',\n 'OrderByParameter',\n 'OrderByDirection',\n 'Page',\n 'PageSize',\n 'Order',\n 'Employee',\n 'EmployeeId',\n 'Company',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'IsFavorite',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","export enum SystemVirtualDocumentStatus {\n NEW = 0,\n READY_TO_DEPLOY = 1,\n ROUTE_IN_PROCESS = 2,\n ROUTE_FINISHED = 3,\n ROUTE_REJECTED = 4,\n ROUTE_REVOKE = 5,\n SEND = 6,\n}\n","import { FactDocument } from './FactDocument.model';\nimport { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { ResponsibleStatusEnum } from './ResponsibleStatusEnum.model';\nimport { SystemVirtualDocumentStatus } from './SystemVirtualDocumentStatus.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class FactDocumentVirtualOption extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = FactDocumentVirtualOption;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'FactDocumentId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => FactDocument)\n 'FactDocument'!: FactDocument | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'IsArchived'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsOpened'!: boolean | null;\n 'ExternalId'!: string | null;\n 'WorkflowEmployeeIds'!: string | null;\n 'WorkflowOwnerId'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => ResponsibleStatusEnum)\n 'ResponsibleStatus'!: ResponsibleStatusEnum | null;\n 'SharedToEmployeeIds'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => SystemVirtualDocumentStatus)\n 'Status'!: SystemVirtualDocumentStatus | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n FactDocumentId: null,\n FactDocument: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n IsArchived: null,\n IsOpened: null,\n ExternalId: null,\n WorkflowEmployeeIds: null,\n WorkflowOwnerId: null,\n ResponsibleStatus: null,\n SharedToEmployeeIds: null,\n Status: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isFactDocumentVirtualOption(o: any): o is FactDocumentVirtualOption {\n return (\n o instanceof FactDocumentVirtualOption ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'FactDocumentId',\n 'FactDocument',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'IsArchived',\n 'IsOpened',\n 'ExternalId',\n 'WorkflowEmployeeIds',\n 'WorkflowOwnerId',\n 'ResponsibleStatus',\n 'SharedToEmployeeIds',\n 'Status',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { FactDocument } from './FactDocument.model';\nimport { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class Folder extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = Folder;\n @Property(() => FactDocument)\n 'FactDocuments'!: Array;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n 'Description'!: string | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'Color'!: string | null;\n 'IsSystem'!: boolean | null;\n 'PathToRoot'!: string | null;\n 'TopStatuses'!: string | null;\n 'GetFolderDepthLevel'!: number | null;\n 'FullPath'!: string | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'EmployeeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Employee'!: Employee | null;\n 'IsRoot'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsPrivate'!: boolean | null;\n 'ParentId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Folder)\n 'Parent'!: Folder | null;\n @Property(() => Folder)\n 'Children'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n FactDocuments: [],\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n Description: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n Color: null,\n IsSystem: null,\n PathToRoot: null,\n TopStatuses: null,\n GetFolderDepthLevel: null,\n FullPath: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n EmployeeId: null,\n Employee: null,\n IsRoot: null,\n IsPrivate: null,\n ParentId: null,\n Parent: null,\n Children: [],\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isFolder(o: any): o is Folder {\n return o instanceof Folder || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name']);\n }\n}\n","import { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class GuidApiSuccessResponseModel extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = GuidApiSuccessResponseModel;\n 'Header'!: string | null;\n 'Description'!: string | null;\n 'Payload'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Header: null,\n Description: null,\n Payload: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isGuidApiSuccessResponseModel(o: any): o is GuidApiSuccessResponseModel {\n return o instanceof GuidApiSuccessResponseModel || hasUnionKeys(o, ['Header', 'Description', 'Payload']);\n }\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { OrgUnitEmployee } from './OrgUnitEmployee.model';\nimport { WorkflowExternalStage } from './WorkflowExternalStage.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class OrgUnit extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = OrgUnit;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n 'Description'!: string | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'IsMain'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsDefault'!: boolean | null;\n 'ParentId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => OrgUnit)\n 'Parent'!: OrgUnit | null;\n @Property(() => OrgUnit)\n 'Children'!: Array;\n @Property(() => OrgUnitEmployee)\n 'OrgUnitEmployees'!: Array;\n @Property(() => WorkflowExternalStage)\n 'WorkflowExternalStages'!: Array;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n Description: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n IsMain: null,\n IsDefault: null,\n ParentId: null,\n Parent: null,\n Children: [],\n OrgUnitEmployees: [],\n WorkflowExternalStages: [],\n IsDeleted: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isOrgUnit(o: any): o is OrgUnit {\n return o instanceof OrgUnit || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name']);\n }\n}\n","import { OrgUnit } from './OrgUnit.model';\nimport { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class OrgUnitEmployee extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = OrgUnitEmployee;\n 'OrgUnitId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => OrgUnit)\n 'OrgUnit'!: OrgUnit | null;\n 'EmployeeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Employee'!: Employee | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n OrgUnitId: null,\n OrgUnit: null,\n EmployeeId: null,\n Employee: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isOrgUnitEmployee(o: any): o is OrgUnitEmployee {\n return o instanceof OrgUnitEmployee || hasUnionKeys(o, ['OrgUnitId', 'OrgUnit', 'EmployeeId', 'Employee']);\n }\n}\n","import { Property } from './Property.model';\nimport { Property as PropertyDecorator } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class PropertyGroup extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = PropertyGroup;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Property)\n 'Properties'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n Properties: [],\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isPropertyGroup(o: any): o is PropertyGroup {\n return o instanceof PropertyGroup || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name']);\n }\n}\n","import { PropertyAggregation } from './PropertyAggregation.model';\nimport { PropertyGroup } from './PropertyGroup.model';\nimport { DocumentType } from './DocumentType.model';\nimport { PropertyType } from './PropertyType.model';\nimport { PropertyTable } from './PropertyTable.model';\nimport { CalculatedProperty } from './CalculatedProperty.model';\nimport { Dictionary } from './Dictionary.model';\nimport { PropertyDataset } from './PropertyDataset.model';\nimport { PropertyDatasetRelation } from './PropertyDatasetRelation.model';\nimport { SystemAmountToWordsType } from './SystemAmountToWordsType.model';\nimport { FactDocumentField } from './FactDocumentField.model';\nimport { PropertyRequirement } from './PropertyRequirement.model';\nimport { PropertyRequirementItem } from './PropertyRequirementItem.model';\nimport { Property as PropertyDecorator } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class Property extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = Property;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'NameRu'!: string;\n 'SystemName'!: string;\n 'DescriptionRu'!: string | null;\n 'PropertyAggregationId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyAggregation)\n 'PropertyAggregation'!: PropertyAggregation | null;\n 'PropertyGroupId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyGroup)\n 'PropertyGroup'!: PropertyGroup | null;\n 'DocumentTypeId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => DocumentType)\n 'DocumentType'!: DocumentType | null;\n 'PropertyTypeId'!: number | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyType)\n 'PropertyType'!: PropertyType | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyTable)\n 'PropertyTable'!: PropertyTable | null;\n 'CalculatedPropertyId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => CalculatedProperty)\n 'CalculatedProperty'!: CalculatedProperty | null;\n 'DictionaryId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Dictionary)\n 'Dictionary'!: Dictionary | null;\n 'PropertyDatasetId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyDataset)\n 'PropertyDataset'!: PropertyDataset | null;\n 'IsDataset'!: boolean | null;\n 'TemplateRepeatCount'!: number | null;\n 'TemplateTableTotalRowCount'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsFavourite'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsEditable'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsHidden'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsSystem'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n 'IsDictionaryProperty'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsShared'!: boolean | null;\n 'HasParent'!: boolean | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyDatasetRelation)\n 'PropertyDatasetRelations'!: Array;\n 'Namespace'!: string | null;\n 'IsMultiple'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsNullable'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsTable'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsLink'!: boolean | null;\n 'HelpInfo'!: string | null;\n 'DefaultValue'!: string | null;\n 'PreviewValue'!: string | null;\n 'ErrorMessage'!: string | null;\n 'OrderNumber'!: number | null;\n 'Precision'!: number | null;\n 'Mask'!: string | null;\n 'TemplateMask'!: string | null;\n 'CalculationExpression'!: string | null;\n 'HasHint'!: boolean | null;\n 'HintText'!: string | null;\n 'IsDocumentNumber'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsDocumentDate'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsDocumentSum'!: boolean | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => SystemAmountToWordsType)\n 'AmountToWordsType'!: SystemAmountToWordsType | null;\n 'TemplateAmountToWordsRepeatCount'!: number | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'StartDate'!: Date | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'EndDate'!: Date | null;\n 'DisableFutureDate'!: boolean | null;\n 'DisablePastDate'!: boolean | null;\n 'ParentId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Property)\n 'Parent'!: Property | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Property)\n 'Children'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => FactDocumentField)\n 'FactDocumentFields'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyRequirement)\n 'PropertyRequirements'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyRequirementItem)\n 'PropertyRequirementItems'!: Array;\n 'IsMathTruncateRequired'!: boolean | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n NameRu: '',\n SystemName: '',\n DescriptionRu: null,\n PropertyAggregationId: null,\n PropertyAggregation: null,\n PropertyGroupId: null,\n PropertyGroup: null,\n DocumentTypeId: null,\n DocumentType: null,\n PropertyTypeId: null,\n PropertyType: null,\n PropertyTable: null,\n CalculatedPropertyId: null,\n CalculatedProperty: null,\n DictionaryId: null,\n Dictionary: null,\n PropertyDatasetId: null,\n PropertyDataset: null,\n IsDataset: null,\n TemplateRepeatCount: null,\n TemplateTableTotalRowCount: null,\n IsFavourite: null,\n IsEditable: null,\n IsHidden: null,\n IsSystem: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n IsDictionaryProperty: null,\n IsShared: null,\n HasParent: null,\n PropertyDatasetRelations: [],\n Namespace: null,\n IsMultiple: null,\n IsNullable: null,\n IsTable: null,\n IsLink: null,\n HelpInfo: null,\n DefaultValue: null,\n PreviewValue: null,\n ErrorMessage: null,\n OrderNumber: null,\n Precision: null,\n Mask: null,\n TemplateMask: null,\n CalculationExpression: null,\n HasHint: null,\n HintText: null,\n IsDocumentNumber: null,\n IsDocumentDate: null,\n IsDocumentSum: null,\n AmountToWordsType: null,\n TemplateAmountToWordsRepeatCount: null,\n StartDate: null,\n EndDate: null,\n DisableFutureDate: null,\n DisablePastDate: null,\n ParentId: null,\n Parent: null,\n Children: [],\n FactDocumentFields: [],\n PropertyRequirements: [],\n PropertyRequirementItems: [],\n IsMathTruncateRequired: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isProperty(o: any): o is Property {\n return o instanceof Property || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['NameRu', 'SystemName']);\n }\n}\n","export enum SystemAggregationOperation {\n SUM = 1,\n AVG = 2,\n MAX = 3,\n MIN = 4,\n NDS = 5,\n}\n","import { PropertyTableColumn } from './PropertyTableColumn.model';\nimport { SystemAggregationOperation } from './SystemAggregationOperation.model';\nimport { Property } from './Property.model';\nimport { Property as PropertyDecorator } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class PropertyAggregation extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = PropertyAggregation;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'PropertyTableColumnId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyTableColumn)\n 'PropertyTableColumn'!: PropertyTableColumn | null;\n 'PropertyTableId'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => SystemAggregationOperation)\n 'AggregationOperation'!: SystemAggregationOperation | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Property)\n 'Properties'!: Array;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n PropertyTableColumnId: null,\n PropertyTableColumn: null,\n PropertyTableId: null,\n AggregationOperation: null,\n Properties: [],\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isPropertyAggregation(o: any): o is PropertyAggregation {\n return (\n o instanceof PropertyAggregation ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'PropertyTableColumnId',\n 'PropertyTableColumn',\n 'PropertyTableId',\n 'AggregationOperation',\n 'Properties',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'DeleteId',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","export enum DatasetType {\n NOT_SET = 0,\n Counterparty = 1,\n BankAccount = 2,\n Employees = 3,\n}\n","import { DatasetType } from './DatasetType.model';\nimport { Property } from './Property.model';\nimport { PropertyDatasetRelation } from './PropertyDatasetRelation.model';\nimport { PropertyTableColumn } from './PropertyTableColumn.model';\nimport { Property as PropertyDecorator } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class PropertyDataset extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = PropertyDataset;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n @EnumProperty(() => DatasetType)\n 'Flag'!: DatasetType | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Property)\n 'Properties'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyDatasetRelation)\n 'PropertyDatasetRelations'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyTableColumn)\n 'PropertyTableColumns'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n Flag: null,\n Properties: [],\n PropertyDatasetRelations: [],\n PropertyTableColumns: [],\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isPropertyDataset(o: any): o is PropertyDataset {\n return o instanceof PropertyDataset || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name']);\n }\n}\n","import { PropertyDataset } from './PropertyDataset.model';\nimport { Property } from './Property.model';\nimport { Property as PropertyDecorator } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class PropertyDatasetRelation extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = PropertyDatasetRelation;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'PropertyDatasetId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyDataset)\n 'PropertyDataset'!: PropertyDataset | null;\n 'PropertyId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Property)\n 'Property'!: Property | null;\n 'EntityName'!: string;\n 'PropertyName'!: string;\n 'FilterPropertyName'!: string | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n PropertyDatasetId: null,\n PropertyDataset: null,\n PropertyId: null,\n Property: null,\n EntityName: '',\n PropertyName: '',\n FilterPropertyName: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isPropertyDatasetRelation(o: any): o is PropertyDatasetRelation {\n return o instanceof PropertyDatasetRelation || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['EntityName', 'PropertyName']);\n }\n}\n","import { PropertyRequirement } from './PropertyRequirement.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class RequirementType extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = RequirementType;\n 'Id'!: number | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n 'IsLink'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => PropertyRequirement)\n 'PropertyRequirements'!: Array;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n IsLink: null,\n PropertyRequirements: [],\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isRequirementType(o: any): o is RequirementType {\n return o instanceof RequirementType || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name']);\n }\n}\n","import { Property } from './Property.model';\nimport { RequirementType } from './RequirementType.model';\nimport { DictionaryValue } from './DictionaryValue.model';\nimport { PropertyRequirementDetail } from './PropertyRequirementDetail.model';\nimport { PropertyRequirementItem } from './PropertyRequirementItem.model';\nimport { Property as PropertyDecorator } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class PropertyRequirement extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = PropertyRequirement;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'PropertyId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Property)\n 'Property'!: Property | null;\n 'RequirementTypeId'!: number | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => RequirementType)\n 'RequirementType'!: RequirementType | null;\n 'DictionaryValueId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => DictionaryValue)\n 'DictionaryValue'!: DictionaryValue | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyRequirementDetail)\n 'PropertyRequirementDetails'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyRequirementItem)\n 'PropertyRequirementItems'!: Array;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n 'DoubleValue'!: number | null;\n 'MinDoubleValue'!: number | null;\n 'MaxDoubleValue'!: number | null;\n 'StringValue'!: string | null;\n 'BoolValue'!: boolean | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n PropertyId: null,\n Property: null,\n RequirementTypeId: null,\n RequirementType: null,\n DictionaryValueId: null,\n DictionaryValue: null,\n PropertyRequirementDetails: [],\n PropertyRequirementItems: [],\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n DoubleValue: null,\n MinDoubleValue: null,\n MaxDoubleValue: null,\n StringValue: null,\n BoolValue: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isPropertyRequirement(o: any): o is PropertyRequirement {\n return (\n o instanceof PropertyRequirement ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'PropertyId',\n 'Property',\n 'RequirementTypeId',\n 'RequirementType',\n 'DictionaryValueId',\n 'DictionaryValue',\n 'PropertyRequirementDetails',\n 'PropertyRequirementItems',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'DeleteId',\n 'DoubleValue',\n 'MinDoubleValue',\n 'MaxDoubleValue',\n 'StringValue',\n 'BoolValue',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { PropertyRequirement } from './PropertyRequirement.model';\nimport { DictionaryValue } from './DictionaryValue.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class PropertyRequirementDetail extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = PropertyRequirementDetail;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'PropertyRequirementId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => PropertyRequirement)\n 'PropertyRequirement'!: PropertyRequirement | null;\n 'DictionaryValueId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => DictionaryValue)\n 'DictionaryValue'!: DictionaryValue | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n PropertyRequirementId: null,\n PropertyRequirement: null,\n DictionaryValueId: null,\n DictionaryValue: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isPropertyRequirementDetail(o: any): o is PropertyRequirementDetail {\n return (\n o instanceof PropertyRequirementDetail ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'PropertyRequirementId',\n 'PropertyRequirement',\n 'DictionaryValueId',\n 'DictionaryValue',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'DeleteId',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { PropertyRequirement } from './PropertyRequirement.model';\nimport { Property } from './Property.model';\nimport { Property as PropertyDecorator } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class PropertyRequirementItem extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = PropertyRequirementItem;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'IsFrom'!: boolean | null;\n 'PropertyRequirementId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyRequirement)\n 'PropertyRequirement'!: PropertyRequirement | null;\n 'PropertyId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Property)\n 'Property'!: Property | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n IsFrom: null,\n PropertyRequirementId: null,\n PropertyRequirement: null,\n PropertyId: null,\n Property: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isPropertyRequirementItem(o: any): o is PropertyRequirementItem {\n return (\n o instanceof PropertyRequirementItem ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'IsFrom',\n 'PropertyRequirementId',\n 'PropertyRequirement',\n 'PropertyId',\n 'Property',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'DeleteId',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Property } from './Property.model';\nimport { PropertyTableColumn } from './PropertyTableColumn.model';\nimport { Property as PropertyDecorator } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class PropertyTable extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = PropertyTable;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Property)\n 'Property'!: Property | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyTableColumn)\n 'PropertyTableColumns'!: Array;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Property: null,\n Name: '',\n PropertyTableColumns: [],\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isPropertyTable(o: any): o is PropertyTable {\n return o instanceof PropertyTable || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name']);\n }\n}\n","import { PropertyTable } from './PropertyTable.model';\nimport { PropertyDataset } from './PropertyDataset.model';\nimport { PropertyType } from './PropertyType.model';\nimport { CalculatedProperty } from './CalculatedProperty.model';\nimport { Dictionary } from './Dictionary.model';\nimport { SystemAmountToWordsType } from './SystemAmountToWordsType.model';\nimport { PropertyAggregation } from './PropertyAggregation.model';\nimport { FactDocumentFieldValue } from './FactDocumentFieldValue.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class PropertyTableColumn extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = PropertyTableColumn;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'DisplayName'!: string;\n 'SystemName'!: string;\n 'OrderNumber'!: number | null;\n 'GroupName'!: string | null;\n 'PropertyTableId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => PropertyTable)\n 'PropertyTable'!: PropertyTable | null;\n 'PropertyDatasetId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => PropertyDataset)\n 'PropertyDataset'!: PropertyDataset | null;\n 'FooterTypeId'!: number | null;\n @Property(() => PropertyType)\n 'FooterType'!: PropertyType | null;\n 'PropertyTypeId'!: number | null;\n @Property(() => PropertyType)\n 'PropertyType'!: PropertyType | null;\n 'CalculatedPropertyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => CalculatedProperty)\n 'CalculatedProperty'!: CalculatedProperty | null;\n 'DictionaryId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Dictionary)\n 'Dictionary'!: Dictionary | null;\n 'Precision'!: number | null;\n 'Mask'!: string | null;\n 'TemplateMask'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => SystemAmountToWordsType)\n 'AmountToWordsType'!: SystemAmountToWordsType | null;\n 'CalculationExpression'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'StartDate'!: Date | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'EndDate'!: Date | null;\n 'DisableFutureDate'!: boolean | null;\n 'DisablePastDate'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsEditable'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsHidden'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsNullable'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsNDSRate'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsDictionaryColumn'!: boolean | null;\n 'DefaultValue'!: string | null;\n 'IsMathTruncateRequired'!: boolean | null;\n 'NeedYearAbbreviationOnDateValue'!: boolean | null;\n 'PasteEmptyStringOnZeroNumericValue'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => PropertyAggregation)\n 'PropertyAggregations'!: Array;\n @Property(() => FactDocumentFieldValue)\n 'FactDocumentFieldValues'!: Array;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n DisplayName: '',\n SystemName: '',\n OrderNumber: null,\n GroupName: null,\n PropertyTableId: null,\n PropertyTable: null,\n PropertyDatasetId: null,\n PropertyDataset: null,\n FooterTypeId: null,\n FooterType: null,\n PropertyTypeId: null,\n PropertyType: null,\n CalculatedPropertyId: null,\n CalculatedProperty: null,\n DictionaryId: null,\n Dictionary: null,\n Precision: null,\n Mask: null,\n TemplateMask: null,\n AmountToWordsType: null,\n CalculationExpression: null,\n StartDate: null,\n EndDate: null,\n DisableFutureDate: null,\n DisablePastDate: null,\n IsEditable: null,\n IsHidden: null,\n IsNullable: null,\n IsNDSRate: null,\n IsDictionaryColumn: null,\n DefaultValue: null,\n IsMathTruncateRequired: null,\n NeedYearAbbreviationOnDateValue: null,\n PasteEmptyStringOnZeroNumericValue: null,\n PropertyAggregations: [],\n FactDocumentFieldValues: [],\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isPropertyTableColumn(o: any): o is PropertyTableColumn {\n return o instanceof PropertyTableColumn || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['DisplayName', 'SystemName']);\n }\n}\n","export enum PropertyTypeCode {\n STRING = 1,\n DATETIME = 2,\n BOOL = 3,\n DOUBLE = 4,\n DICTIONARY = 5,\n TABLE = 6,\n TAG = 7,\n AGGREGATION = 8,\n AUTO_CALCULATED = 9,\n GUID = 10,\n DATASET = 11,\n INTEGER = 12,\n}\n","import { PropertyTypeCode } from './PropertyTypeCode.model';\nimport { Property } from './Property.model';\nimport { PropertyTableColumn } from './PropertyTableColumn.model';\nimport { Property as PropertyDecorator } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeysStrict } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class PropertyType extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = PropertyType;\n 'Id'!: number | null;\n 'Name'!: string;\n 'NameRu'!: string | null;\n 'Flag'!: number | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => PropertyTypeCode)\n 'UniqueCode'!: PropertyTypeCode | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Property)\n 'Properties'!: Array;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => PropertyTableColumn)\n 'Footers'!: Array;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @PropertyDecorator(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: '',\n NameRu: null,\n Flag: null,\n UniqueCode: null,\n Properties: [],\n Footers: [],\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isPropertyType(o: any): o is PropertyType {\n return o instanceof PropertyType || hasUnionKeysStrict(o, ['Name']);\n }\n}\n","export enum ResponsibleStatusEnum {\n PENDING = 1,\n ACCEPTED = 2,\n DECLINED = 3,\n}\n","export enum SystemAmountToWordsType {\n CURRENCY = 1,\n NUMBER = 2,\n}\n","import { FactDocument } from './FactDocument.model';\nimport { WorkflowExternal } from './WorkflowExternal.model';\nimport { WorkflowInternal } from './WorkflowInternal.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class Workflow extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = Workflow;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => FactDocument)\n 'FactDocument'!: FactDocument | null;\n @Property(() => WorkflowExternal)\n 'WorkflowExternal'!: WorkflowExternal | null;\n @Property(() => WorkflowInternal)\n 'WorkflowInternal'!: WorkflowInternal | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'DeleteId'!: string | null;\n 'IsTemplate'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n FactDocument: null,\n WorkflowExternal: null,\n WorkflowInternal: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n DeleteId: null,\n IsTemplate: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isWorkflow(o: any): o is Workflow {\n return (\n o instanceof Workflow ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'FactDocument',\n 'WorkflowExternal',\n 'WorkflowInternal',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'DeleteId',\n 'IsTemplate',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Workflow } from './Workflow.model';\nimport { WorkflowExternalStage } from './WorkflowExternalStage.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class WorkflowExternal extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = WorkflowExternal;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Workflow)\n 'Workflow'!: Workflow | null;\n @Property(() => WorkflowExternalStage)\n 'WorkflowExternalStages'!: Array;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Workflow: null,\n WorkflowExternalStages: [],\n };\n }\n\n public static isWorkflowExternal(o: any): o is WorkflowExternal {\n return o instanceof WorkflowExternal || hasUnionKeys(o, ['Id', 'Workflow', 'WorkflowExternalStages']);\n }\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { WorkflowExternal } from './WorkflowExternal.model';\nimport { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { ResponsibleStatusEnum } from './ResponsibleStatusEnum.model';\nimport { WorkflowExternalStageStep } from './WorkflowExternalStageStep.model';\nimport { OrgUnit } from './OrgUnit.model';\nimport { WorkflowTemplate } from './WorkflowTemplate.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class WorkflowExternalStage extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = WorkflowExternalStage;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'IsCompleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsOrderedRoute'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsInner'!: boolean | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'WorkflowExternalId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => WorkflowExternal)\n 'WorkflowExternal'!: WorkflowExternal | null;\n 'EmployeeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Employee'!: Employee | null;\n 'ResponsibleDeclineMessage'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => ResponsibleStatusEnum)\n 'ResponsibleStatus'!: ResponsibleStatusEnum | null;\n 'IsRequired'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsStarted'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsCanceled'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsPrivate'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsQuickSigned'!: boolean | null;\n 'Order'!: number | null;\n 'Message'!: string | null;\n 'Comment'!: string | null;\n 'Email'!: string | null;\n 'Emails'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'Date'!: Date | null;\n @Property(() => WorkflowExternalStageStep)\n 'WorkflowExternalStageSteps'!: Array;\n 'OrgUnitId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => OrgUnit)\n 'OrgUnit'!: OrgUnit | null;\n 'WorkflowTemplateId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => WorkflowTemplate)\n 'WorkflowTemplate'!: WorkflowTemplate | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n IsCompleted: null,\n IsOrderedRoute: null,\n IsInner: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n WorkflowExternalId: null,\n WorkflowExternal: null,\n EmployeeId: null,\n Employee: null,\n ResponsibleDeclineMessage: null,\n ResponsibleStatus: null,\n IsRequired: null,\n IsStarted: null,\n IsCanceled: null,\n IsPrivate: null,\n IsQuickSigned: null,\n Order: null,\n Message: null,\n Comment: null,\n Email: null,\n Emails: [],\n Date: null,\n WorkflowExternalStageSteps: [],\n OrgUnitId: null,\n OrgUnit: null,\n WorkflowTemplateId: null,\n WorkflowTemplate: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isWorkflowExternalStage(o: any): o is WorkflowExternalStage {\n return (\n o instanceof WorkflowExternalStage ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'IsCompleted',\n 'IsOrderedRoute',\n 'IsInner',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'WorkflowExternalId',\n 'WorkflowExternal',\n 'EmployeeId',\n 'Employee',\n 'ResponsibleDeclineMessage',\n 'ResponsibleStatus',\n 'IsRequired',\n 'IsStarted',\n 'IsCanceled',\n 'IsPrivate',\n 'IsQuickSigned',\n 'Order',\n 'Message',\n 'Comment',\n 'Email',\n 'Emails',\n 'Date',\n 'WorkflowExternalStageSteps',\n 'OrgUnitId',\n 'OrgUnit',\n 'WorkflowTemplateId',\n 'WorkflowTemplate',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { WorkflowExternalStage } from './WorkflowExternalStage.model';\nimport { DocumentRouteStepActionEnum } from './DocumentRouteStepActionEnum.model';\nimport { DocumentGroupStepDescription } from './DocumentGroupStepDescription.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class WorkflowExternalStageStep extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = WorkflowExternalStageStep;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'IsCompleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsLast'!: boolean | null;\n 'Description'!: string | null;\n 'Order'!: number | null;\n 'IsAccepted'!: boolean | null;\n 'PositionName'!: string | null;\n 'EmployeeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Employee'!: Employee | null;\n 'WorkflowExternalStageId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => WorkflowExternalStage)\n 'WorkflowExternalStage'!: WorkflowExternalStage | null;\n 'IsOrderedRoute'!: boolean | null;\n 'CancelMessage'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'Date'!: Date | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => DocumentRouteStepActionEnum)\n 'WorkflowStepAction'!: DocumentRouteStepActionEnum | null;\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescriptionId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => DocumentGroupStepDescription)\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescription'!: DocumentGroupStepDescription | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'ChangeMessage'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n IsCompleted: null,\n IsLast: null,\n Description: null,\n Order: null,\n IsAccepted: null,\n PositionName: null,\n EmployeeId: null,\n Employee: null,\n WorkflowExternalStageId: null,\n WorkflowExternalStage: null,\n IsOrderedRoute: null,\n CancelMessage: null,\n Date: null,\n WorkflowStepAction: null,\n DocumentGroupStepDescriptionId: null,\n DocumentGroupStepDescription: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n ChangeMessage: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isWorkflowExternalStageStep(o: any): o is WorkflowExternalStageStep {\n return (\n o instanceof WorkflowExternalStageStep ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'IsCompleted',\n 'IsLast',\n 'Description',\n 'Order',\n 'IsAccepted',\n 'PositionName',\n 'EmployeeId',\n 'Employee',\n 'WorkflowExternalStageId',\n 'WorkflowExternalStage',\n 'IsOrderedRoute',\n 'CancelMessage',\n 'Date',\n 'WorkflowStepAction',\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescriptionId',\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescription',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'ChangeMessage',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Workflow } from './Workflow.model';\nimport { WorkflowTemplate } from './WorkflowTemplate.model';\nimport { WorkflowInternalStep } from './WorkflowInternalStep.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class WorkflowInternal extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = WorkflowInternal;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Workflow)\n 'Workflow'!: Workflow | null;\n 'IsStarted'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsCancel'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsPrivate'!: boolean | null;\n 'WorkflowTemplateId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => WorkflowTemplate)\n 'WorkflowTemplate'!: WorkflowTemplate | null;\n @Property(() => WorkflowInternalStep)\n 'WorkflowInternalSteps'!: Array;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Workflow: null,\n IsStarted: null,\n IsCancel: null,\n IsPrivate: null,\n WorkflowTemplateId: null,\n WorkflowTemplate: null,\n WorkflowInternalSteps: [],\n };\n }\n\n public static isWorkflowInternal(o: any): o is WorkflowInternal {\n return (\n o instanceof WorkflowInternal ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'Workflow',\n 'IsStarted',\n 'IsCancel',\n 'IsPrivate',\n 'WorkflowTemplateId',\n 'WorkflowTemplate',\n 'WorkflowInternalSteps',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { WorkflowInternal } from './WorkflowInternal.model';\nimport { DocumentRouteStepActionEnum } from './DocumentRouteStepActionEnum.model';\nimport { DocumentGroupStepDescription } from './DocumentGroupStepDescription.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class WorkflowInternalStep extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = WorkflowInternalStep;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'IsCompleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsLast'!: boolean | null;\n 'Description'!: string | null;\n 'Order'!: number | null;\n 'IsAccepted'!: boolean | null;\n 'EmployeeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Employee'!: Employee | null;\n 'WorkflowInternalId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => WorkflowInternal)\n 'WorkflowInternal'!: WorkflowInternal | null;\n 'IsOrderedRoute'!: boolean | null;\n 'CancelMessage'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => DocumentRouteStepActionEnum)\n 'WorkflowStepAction'!: DocumentRouteStepActionEnum | null;\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescriptionId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => DocumentGroupStepDescription)\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescription'!: DocumentGroupStepDescription | null;\n 'IsDeleted'!: boolean | null;\n 'ChangeMessage'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n IsCompleted: null,\n IsLast: null,\n Description: null,\n Order: null,\n IsAccepted: null,\n EmployeeId: null,\n Employee: null,\n WorkflowInternalId: null,\n WorkflowInternal: null,\n IsOrderedRoute: null,\n CancelMessage: null,\n WorkflowStepAction: null,\n DocumentGroupStepDescriptionId: null,\n DocumentGroupStepDescription: null,\n IsDeleted: null,\n ChangeMessage: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isWorkflowInternalStep(o: any): o is WorkflowInternalStep {\n return (\n o instanceof WorkflowInternalStep ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'IsCompleted',\n 'IsLast',\n 'Description',\n 'Order',\n 'IsAccepted',\n 'EmployeeId',\n 'Employee',\n 'WorkflowInternalId',\n 'WorkflowInternal',\n 'IsOrderedRoute',\n 'CancelMessage',\n 'WorkflowStepAction',\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescriptionId',\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescription',\n 'IsDeleted',\n 'ChangeMessage',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","export enum WorkflowTemplateCategory {\n Internal = 1,\n ExternalInbox = 2,\n ExternalOutbox = 3,\n}\n","import { WorkflowTemplateCategory } from './WorkflowTemplateCategory.model';\nimport { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { WorkflowTemplateStep } from './WorkflowTemplateStep.model';\nimport { WorkflowTemplateFavorite } from './WorkflowTemplateFavorite.model';\nimport { WorkflowExternalStage } from './WorkflowExternalStage.model';\nimport { WorkflowInternal } from './WorkflowInternal.model';\nimport { DocumentType } from './DocumentType.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class WorkflowTemplate extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = WorkflowTemplate;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Name'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => WorkflowTemplateCategory)\n 'Category'!: WorkflowTemplateCategory | null;\n 'IsOrderedRoute'!: boolean | null;\n 'LinkIsOpened'!: boolean | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n @Property(() => WorkflowTemplateStep)\n 'WorkflowTemplateSteps'!: Array;\n @Property(() => WorkflowTemplateFavorite)\n 'WorkflowTemplateFavorites'!: Array;\n @Property(() => WorkflowExternalStage)\n 'WorkflowExternalStages'!: Array;\n @Property(() => WorkflowInternal)\n 'WorkflowInternals'!: Array;\n 'DocumentTypeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => DocumentType)\n 'DocumentType'!: DocumentType | null;\n 'IsBlocked'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: null,\n Category: null,\n IsOrderedRoute: null,\n LinkIsOpened: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n WorkflowTemplateSteps: [],\n WorkflowTemplateFavorites: [],\n WorkflowExternalStages: [],\n WorkflowInternals: [],\n DocumentTypeId: null,\n DocumentType: null,\n IsBlocked: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isWorkflowTemplate(o: any): o is WorkflowTemplate {\n return (\n o instanceof WorkflowTemplate ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'Name',\n 'Category',\n 'IsOrderedRoute',\n 'LinkIsOpened',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'WorkflowTemplateSteps',\n 'WorkflowTemplateFavorites',\n 'WorkflowExternalStages',\n 'WorkflowInternals',\n 'DocumentTypeId',\n 'DocumentType',\n 'IsBlocked',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { WorkflowTemplate } from './WorkflowTemplate.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class WorkflowTemplateFavorite extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = WorkflowTemplateFavorite;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'EmployeeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Employee'!: Employee | null;\n 'WorkflowTemplateId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => WorkflowTemplate)\n 'WorkflowTemplate'!: WorkflowTemplate | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n EmployeeId: null,\n Employee: null,\n WorkflowTemplateId: null,\n WorkflowTemplate: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isWorkflowTemplateFavorite(o: any): o is WorkflowTemplateFavorite {\n return (\n o instanceof WorkflowTemplateFavorite ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, ['Id', 'EmployeeId', 'Employee', 'WorkflowTemplateId', 'WorkflowTemplate'])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Employee } from './Employee.model';\nimport { DocumentRouteStepActionEnum } from './DocumentRouteStepActionEnum.model';\nimport { DocumentGroupStepDescription } from './DocumentGroupStepDescription.model';\nimport { WorkflowTemplate } from './WorkflowTemplate.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class WorkflowTemplateStep extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = WorkflowTemplateStep;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'Order'!: number | null;\n 'EmployeeId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Employee)\n 'Employee'!: Employee | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => DocumentRouteStepActionEnum)\n 'StepAction'!: DocumentRouteStepActionEnum | null;\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescriptionId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => DocumentGroupStepDescription)\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescription'!: DocumentGroupStepDescription | null;\n 'WorkflowTemplateId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => WorkflowTemplate)\n 'WorkflowTemplate'!: WorkflowTemplate | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Order: null,\n EmployeeId: null,\n Employee: null,\n StepAction: null,\n DocumentGroupStepDescriptionId: null,\n DocumentGroupStepDescription: null,\n WorkflowTemplateId: null,\n WorkflowTemplate: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isWorkflowTemplateStep(o: any): o is WorkflowTemplateStep {\n return (\n o instanceof WorkflowTemplateStep ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'Order',\n 'EmployeeId',\n 'Employee',\n 'StepAction',\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescriptionId',\n 'DocumentGroupStepDescription',\n 'WorkflowTemplateId',\n 'WorkflowTemplate',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { Counterparty } from './Counterparty.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class BillingCompanyCounterparty extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = BillingCompanyCounterparty;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'CounterpartyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Counterparty)\n 'Counterparty'!: Counterparty | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n CounterpartyId: null,\n Counterparty: null,\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isBillingCompanyCounterparty(o: any): o is BillingCompanyCounterparty {\n return (\n o instanceof BillingCompanyCounterparty ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'CounterpartyId',\n 'Counterparty',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { BillingPaymentType } from './BillingPaymentType.model';\nimport { BillingCompanyCounterparty } from './BillingCompanyCounterparty.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class BillingCompanySettingVM extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = BillingCompanySettingVM;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'IsCardPayOnly'!: boolean | null;\n 'EmailForNotifications'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => BillingPaymentType)\n 'PaymentType'!: BillingPaymentType | null;\n 'IsPlanSubscribed'!: boolean | null;\n 'PlanTemplateCode'!: string | null;\n 'IsBlocked'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsPlanDowngrade'!: boolean | null;\n 'DowngradeNewPlanCode'!: string | null;\n 'DowngradeNewPlanName'!: string | null;\n 'DowngradeNewPlanInternalPackageCode'!: string | null;\n 'IsIndividualPlanTemplate'!: boolean | null;\n 'IndividualPlanTemplateCode'!: string | null;\n 'IsExternalPackageSubscribed'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsInternalPackageSubscribed'!: boolean | null;\n 'InternalPackageTemplateCode'!: string | null;\n 'IsInternalPackageDowngrade'!: boolean | null;\n 'DowngradeInternalNewPackageTemplateCode'!: string | null;\n 'IsSignFrom1CAvailable'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => BillingCompanyCounterparty)\n 'BillingCompanyCounterparties'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n IsCardPayOnly: null,\n EmailForNotifications: null,\n PaymentType: null,\n IsPlanSubscribed: null,\n PlanTemplateCode: null,\n IsBlocked: null,\n IsPlanDowngrade: null,\n DowngradeNewPlanCode: null,\n DowngradeNewPlanName: null,\n DowngradeNewPlanInternalPackageCode: null,\n IsIndividualPlanTemplate: null,\n IndividualPlanTemplateCode: null,\n IsExternalPackageSubscribed: null,\n IsInternalPackageSubscribed: null,\n InternalPackageTemplateCode: null,\n IsInternalPackageDowngrade: null,\n DowngradeInternalNewPackageTemplateCode: null,\n IsSignFrom1CAvailable: null,\n BillingCompanyCounterparties: [],\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isBillingCompanySettingVM(o: any): o is BillingCompanySettingVM {\n return (\n o instanceof BillingCompanySettingVM ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'IsCardPayOnly',\n 'EmailForNotifications',\n 'PaymentType',\n 'IsPlanSubscribed',\n 'PlanTemplateCode',\n 'IsBlocked',\n 'IsPlanDowngrade',\n 'DowngradeNewPlanCode',\n 'DowngradeNewPlanName',\n 'DowngradeNewPlanInternalPackageCode',\n 'IsIndividualPlanTemplate',\n 'IndividualPlanTemplateCode',\n 'IsExternalPackageSubscribed',\n 'IsInternalPackageSubscribed',\n 'InternalPackageTemplateCode',\n 'IsInternalPackageDowngrade',\n 'DowngradeInternalNewPackageTemplateCode',\n 'IsSignFrom1CAvailable',\n 'BillingCompanyCounterparties',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { Company } from './Company.model';\nimport { BillingPaymentType } from './BillingPaymentType.model';\nimport { BillingCompanyCounterparty } from './BillingCompanyCounterparty.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, EnumProperty, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class BillingCompanySetting extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = BillingCompanySetting;\n 'Id'!: string | null;\n 'CompanyId'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Company)\n 'Company'!: Company | null;\n 'IsCardPayOnly'!: boolean | null;\n 'EmailForNotifications'!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => BillingPaymentType)\n 'PaymentType'!: BillingPaymentType | null;\n 'IsPlanSubscribed'!: boolean | null;\n 'PlanTemplateCode'!: string | null;\n 'IsBlocked'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsPlanDowngrade'!: boolean | null;\n 'DowngradeNewPlanCode'!: string | null;\n 'DowngradeNewPlanInternalPackageCode'!: string | null;\n 'IsIndividualPlanTemplate'!: boolean | null;\n 'IndividualPlanTemplateCode'!: string | null;\n 'IsExternalPackageSubscribed'!: boolean | null;\n 'IsInternalPackageSubscribed'!: boolean | null;\n 'InternalPackageTemplateCode'!: string | null;\n 'IsInternalPackageDowngrade'!: boolean | null;\n 'DowngradeInternalNewPackageTemplateCode'!: string | null;\n 'IsSignFrom1CAvailable'!: boolean | null;\n @Property(() => BillingCompanyCounterparty)\n 'BillingCompanyCounterparties'!: Array;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'CreatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'CreatedBy'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n 'LastUpdatedOn'!: Date | null;\n 'LastUpdatedBy'!: string | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n Company: null,\n IsCardPayOnly: null,\n EmailForNotifications: null,\n PaymentType: null,\n IsPlanSubscribed: null,\n PlanTemplateCode: null,\n IsBlocked: null,\n IsPlanDowngrade: null,\n DowngradeNewPlanCode: null,\n DowngradeNewPlanInternalPackageCode: null,\n IsIndividualPlanTemplate: null,\n IndividualPlanTemplateCode: null,\n IsExternalPackageSubscribed: null,\n IsInternalPackageSubscribed: null,\n InternalPackageTemplateCode: null,\n IsInternalPackageDowngrade: null,\n DowngradeInternalNewPackageTemplateCode: null,\n IsSignFrom1CAvailable: null,\n BillingCompanyCounterparties: [],\n CreatedOn: null,\n CreatedBy: null,\n LastUpdatedOn: null,\n LastUpdatedBy: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isBillingCompanySetting(o: any): o is BillingCompanySetting {\n return (\n o instanceof BillingCompanySetting ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, [\n 'Id',\n 'CompanyId',\n 'Company',\n 'IsCardPayOnly',\n 'EmailForNotifications',\n 'PaymentType',\n 'IsPlanSubscribed',\n 'PlanTemplateCode',\n 'IsBlocked',\n 'IsPlanDowngrade',\n 'DowngradeNewPlanCode',\n 'DowngradeNewPlanInternalPackageCode',\n 'IsIndividualPlanTemplate',\n 'IndividualPlanTemplateCode',\n 'IsExternalPackageSubscribed',\n 'IsInternalPackageSubscribed',\n 'InternalPackageTemplateCode',\n 'IsInternalPackageDowngrade',\n 'DowngradeInternalNewPackageTemplateCode',\n 'IsSignFrom1CAvailable',\n 'BillingCompanyCounterparties',\n 'CreatedOn',\n 'CreatedBy',\n 'LastUpdatedOn',\n 'LastUpdatedBy',\n ])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { BillingCompanySetting } from './BillingCompanySetting.model';\nimport { BaseModel, StrictBaseModelPart, Property, hasUnionKeys } from '@dev-stream/utils';\n\nexport class BillingCompanySettingApiSuccessResponseModel extends BaseModel {\n protected BASE_TYPE = BillingCompanySettingApiSuccessResponseModel;\n 'Header'!: string | null;\n 'Description'!: string | null;\n @Property(() => BillingCompanySetting)\n 'Payload'!: BillingCompanySetting | null;\n\n public GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Header: null,\n Description: null,\n Payload: null,\n };\n }\n\n public static isBillingCompanySettingApiSuccessResponseModel(o: any): o is BillingCompanySettingApiSuccessResponseModel {\n return (\n o instanceof BillingCompanySettingApiSuccessResponseModel ||\n hasUnionKeys(o, ['Header', 'Description', 'Payload'])\n );\n }\n}\n","import { SwaggerApiService } from './SwaggerApiService.service';\nimport { SwaggerApiRequestHeaders } from './SwaggerApiService.service';\nimport { eitherify, mapLeft, mapRight } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { Inject, Optional, Injectable } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { BASE_URL, BusinessServerApiRootModule } from './BusinessServerApi.module';\nimport { BillingCompanySettingVM } from '../models/BillingCompanySettingVM.model';\nimport { Employee } from '../models/Employee.model';\nimport { BillingCompanySettingApiSuccessResponseModel } from '../models/BillingCompanySettingApiSuccessResponseModel.model';\nimport { BillingPaymentType } from '../models/BillingPaymentType.model';\n\n@Injectable({ providedIn: BusinessServerApiRootModule })\nexport class BillingCompanySettingApiService extends SwaggerApiService {\n public constructor(http: HttpClient, @Optional() @Inject(BASE_URL) baseUrl: string) {\n super(http, baseUrl);\n }\n\n public Get(requestHeaders?: SwaggerApiRequestHeaders) {\n const response = this.http.request('get', `${this.baseUrl}/api/v2/BillingCompanySetting/Get`, {\n headers: requestHeaders,\n responseType: 'json',\n });\n\n return response.pipe(\n eitherify(),\n mapRight((response) => new BillingCompanySettingVM(response)),\n mapLeft((ex) => (ex instanceof HttpErrorResponse ? ex : ex))\n );\n }\n\n public GetCompanyEmployeesForContact>(requestHeaders?: SwaggerApiRequestHeaders) {\n const response = this.http.request(\n 'get',\n `${this.baseUrl}/api/v2/BillingCompanySetting/GetCompanyEmployeesForContact`,\n {\n headers: requestHeaders,\n responseType: 'json',\n }\n );\n\n return response.pipe(\n eitherify(),\n mapRight((response) => (Array.isArray(response) ? response.map((i) => new Employee(i)) : response)),\n mapLeft((ex) => (ex instanceof HttpErrorResponse ? ex : ex))\n );\n }\n\n public UnsubscribePlan(\n requestHeaders?: SwaggerApiRequestHeaders\n ) {\n const response = this.http.request('patch', `${this.baseUrl}/api/v2/BillingCompanySetting/UnsubscribePlan`, {\n headers: requestHeaders,\n responseType: 'json',\n });\n\n return response.pipe(\n eitherify(),\n mapRight((response) => new BillingCompanySettingApiSuccessResponseModel(response)),\n mapLeft((ex) => (ex instanceof HttpErrorResponse ? ex : ex))\n );\n }\n\n public SubscribePlan(requestHeaders?: SwaggerApiRequestHeaders) {\n const response = this.http.request('patch', `${this.baseUrl}/api/v2/BillingCompanySetting/SubscribePlan`, {\n headers: requestHeaders,\n responseType: 'json',\n });\n\n return response.pipe(\n eitherify(),\n mapRight((response) => new BillingCompanySettingApiSuccessResponseModel(response)),\n mapLeft((ex) => (ex instanceof HttpErrorResponse ? ex : ex))\n );\n }\n\n public UpdatePaymentType_byPaymentType(\n queryParams: IUpdatePaymentType_byPaymentType_Params,\n requestHeaders?: SwaggerApiRequestHeaders\n ) {\n const params = this.$MapParams(queryParams);\n const response = this.http.request('patch', `${this.baseUrl}/api/v2/BillingCompanySetting/UpdatePaymentType`, {\n headers: requestHeaders,\n params,\n responseType: 'json',\n });\n\n return response.pipe(\n eitherify(),\n mapRight((response) => new BillingCompanySettingApiSuccessResponseModel(response)),\n mapLeft((ex) => (ex instanceof HttpErrorResponse ? ex : ex))\n );\n }\n\n public UpdateEmails_byEmails(\n queryParams: IUpdateEmails_byEmails_Params,\n requestHeaders?: SwaggerApiRequestHeaders\n ) {\n const params = this.$MapParams(queryParams);\n const response = this.http.request('patch', `${this.baseUrl}/api/v2/BillingCompanySetting/UpdateEmails`, {\n headers: requestHeaders,\n params,\n responseType: 'json',\n });\n\n return response.pipe(\n eitherify(),\n mapRight((response) => new BillingCompanySettingApiSuccessResponseModel(response)),\n mapLeft((ex) => (ex instanceof HttpErrorResponse ? ex : ex))\n );\n }\n}\n\ninterface IUpdatePaymentType_byPaymentType_Params {\n paymentType?: BillingPaymentType | null;\n}\n\ninterface IUpdateEmails_byEmails_Params {\n emails?: string | null;\n}\n","
\n \n
\n \n \n
Номер карты
\n \n \n \n \n {{ config.cardMask }}\n
Имя владельца карты
\n {{ config.owner }}\n
Срок действия
\n {{ config.expiration }}\n
\n \n
\n {{ config.emailInstructionText }}\n \n  {{ config.email }}\n
\n \n\n \n
{{ title }}
\n Автооплата\n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n {{ config.cardMask }}\n
\n\n \n {{ config.owner }}\n
\n \n {{ config.expiration }}\n
\n \n \n
\n {{ config.bankTransferDescription }}\n
\n \n \n \n\n \n
\n \n
Банковская карта
\n \n \n \n
\n {{ config.cardMask }}\n
{{ config.owner }}
{{ config.expiration }}
\n \n \n
Банковский перевод
\n \n\n \n \n
\n Включено\n
\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n Не выбран \n
\n \n\n
\n Выберите предпочитаемый метод оплаты\n
\n \n \n
\n\n","import { Component, Input, OnInit, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';\nimport { MatCheckboxChange } from '@angular/material/checkbox';\nimport { BaseModel, EnumProperty, StrictBaseModelPart } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseComponent } from '@idocs/shared-ui/core';\n\nexport enum CardType {\n VISA = 'Visa',\n MASTER_CARD = 'MasterCard',\n}\n\nexport class PaymentTypeInfoConfig extends BaseModel {\n GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n isAutopay: false,\n isBankTransfer: false,\n isDefault: false,\n cardMask: null,\n id: null,\n };\n }\n protected BASE_TYPE = PaymentTypeInfoConfig;\n\n id!: string | null;\n cardMask!: string | null;\n owner?: string;\n expiration?: string;\n @EnumProperty(() => CardType)\n cardType?: CardType;\n isBankTransfer!: boolean;\n bankTransferDescription?: string;\n emailInstructionText?: string;\n email?: string;\n isDefault!: boolean | null;\n isAutopay!: boolean;\n\n constructor(...parts: Partial[]) {\n super(...parts);\n }\n}\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'billing-ui-payment-type-info',\n templateUrl: './payment-type-info.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./payment-type-info.component.scss'],\n})\nexport class PaymentTypeInfoComponent extends BaseComponent implements OnInit {\n @Input() config?: PaymentTypeInfoConfig | null = new PaymentTypeInfoConfig();\n @Input() appearance?: 'short' | 'detailed' | 'short-side';\n @Output() autoPayChange = new EventEmitter();\n\n get title() {\n return this.config && this.config.isBankTransfer ? 'Банковский перевод' : 'Банковская карта';\n }\n\n get cardTypeLogo() {\n if (this.config) {\n switch (this.config.cardType) {\n case CardType.VISA: {\n return 'logo-visa';\n }\n default: {\n return 'logo-mastercard';\n }\n }\n }\n return '';\n }\n \n\n ngOnInit(): void {}\n}\n","
\n \n \n
\n\n\n \n \n \n
\n {{ item.PaymentDate | date: 'dd.MM.yyyy' }}\n
\n {{ daysBeforePaymentLeft(item) }}\n
\n \n \n {{ item.Name }}\n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n
{{ item.TotalAmount | mask: 'separator.2' }} тг
\n {{ paymentTypeString(item) }}\n
\n \n \n \n \n \n Оплатить картой\n \n \n \n
\n","import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output, TemplateRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';\nimport { BaseModel, EnumProperty, Property, StrictBaseModelPart } from '@dev-stream/utils';\nimport { BaseComponent } from '@idocs/shared-ui/core';\nimport { ColumnTemplate, TableConfig } from '@idocs/shared-ui/table';\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs';\nimport { takeUntil, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';\n\nexport enum PaymentStatus {\n APPROVED,\n DECLINED,\n NEW,\n}\n\nexport enum PaymentType {\n BANK_TRANSFER = 0,\n CARD,\n}\n\nexport class PaymentsHistoryInfo extends BaseModel {\n GetDefaultValue(): StrictBaseModelPart {\n return {\n Id: null,\n Name: null,\n PaymentDate: null,\n Status: null,\n CardMask: null,\n CompanyId: null,\n InvoiceId: null,\n PaymentType: null,\n TotalAmount: null,\n };\n }\n protected BASE_TYPE = PaymentsHistoryInfo;\n Id!: string | null;\n @Property(() => Date)\n PaymentDate!: Date | null;\n Name!: string | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => PaymentStatus)\n Status!: PaymentStatus | null;\n TotalAmount!: number | null;\n @EnumProperty(() => PaymentType)\n PaymentType!: PaymentType | null;\n CardMask!: string | null;\n InvoiceId!: string | null;\n CompanyId!: string | null;\n}\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'billing-ui-payments-history',\n templateUrl: './payments-history.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./payments-history.component.scss'],\n})\nexport class PaymentsHistoryComponent extends BaseComponent implements OnInit {\n @ViewChild('rowTemplate', { static: true }) rowTemplate?: TemplateRef;\n\n @Input() payments?: Observable;\n @Input() hideButtons?: boolean | null;\n @Output() downloadPayment = new EventEmitter();\n @Output() pay = new EventEmitter();\n\n config?: TableConfig;\n loadingConfig?: TableConfig;\n\n statusColor(status: PaymentStatus) {\n switch (status) {\n case PaymentStatus.APPROVED: {\n return 'success';\n }\n case PaymentStatus.DECLINED: {\n return 'secondary';\n }\n case PaymentStatus.NEW: {\n return 'info';\n }\n default: {\n return 'secondary';\n }\n }\n }\n\n statusText(status: PaymentStatus) {\n switch (status) {\n case PaymentStatus.APPROVED: {\n return 'Оплачено';\n }\n case PaymentStatus.DECLINED: {\n return 'Не действителен';\n }\n case PaymentStatus.NEW: {\n return 'Ожидает оплаты';\n }\n default: {\n return '';\n }\n }\n }\n\n paymentAvailable(payment: PaymentsHistoryInfo) {\n return payment.Status == PaymentStatus.NEW;\n }\n\n daysBeforePaymentLeft(payment: PaymentsHistoryInfo) {\n const limitDays = 7;\n const paymentDate = new Date(payment.PaymentDate!);\n\n const endDays = new Date(paymentDate.getFullYear(), paymentDate.getMonth(), paymentDate.getDate() + limitDays);\n const today = new Date();\n const res = Math.ceil((endDays.getTime() - today.getTime()) / (1000 * 3600 * 24));\n\n const days = payment.PaymentDate ? (res > 0 ? res : 0) : 0;\n\n return `Осталось дней: ${days}`;\n }\n\n paymentTypeString(payment: PaymentsHistoryInfo) {\n return payment.PaymentType === PaymentType.BANK_TRANSFER\n ? 'Банковским переводом'\n : `${payment.CardMask ? 'Картой: ' + payment.CardMask : ''}`;\n }\n\n \n\n initTable(dataSource: PaymentsHistoryInfo[], isLoading = false) {\n const config = new TableConfig({\n dataSource,\n noDataText: 'Счетов не имеется',\n keyExpr: 'Id',\n hasRowTemplate: true,\n rowTemplate: this.rowTemplate,\n columnTemplates: [\n new ColumnTemplate({\n property: 'PaymentDate',\n headerCaption: 'Дата выставления',\n }),\n new ColumnTemplate({\n property: 'Name',\n headerCaption: 'Название счета',\n }),\n new ColumnTemplate({\n property: 'Status',\n headerCaption: 'Статус',\n }),\n new ColumnTemplate({\n property: 'TotalAmount',\n headerCaption: 'Сумма и метод оплаты',\n alignment: 'right',\n }),\n ],\n });\n\n if (isLoading) {\n this.loadingConfig = config;\n } else {\n this.config = config;\n }\n }\n ngOnInit(): void {\n this.initLoadingTable();\n\n this.payments\n ?.pipe(\n tap(() => {\n this.loading = false;\n }),\n takeUntil(this.destroyed)\n )\n .subscribe((payments) => {\n if (payments) {\n this.initTable(payments);\n }\n });\n }\n\n initLoadingTable() {\n this.loading = true;\n this.initTable(\n [\n new PaymentsHistoryInfo({ Id: '1' }),\n new PaymentsHistoryInfo({ Id: '2' }),\n new PaymentsHistoryInfo({ Id: '3' }),\n ],\n true\n );\n }\n}\n","
\n \n

\n \n


\n \n


\n \n

\n \n \n \n
\n {{ disabledHint }}\n
\n\n","import {\n Component,\n OnInit,\n Input,\n ViewChild,\n Optional,\n Injector,\n} from '@angular/core';\nimport { FormControlDirective, NgModel } from '@angular/forms';\nimport { MatRadioButton } from '@angular/material/radio';\nimport { BaseComponent } from '@idocs/shared-ui/core';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'shared-ui-radio-card',\n templateUrl: './radio-card.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./radio-card.component.scss'],\n})\nexport class RadioCardComponent extends BaseComponent implements OnInit {\n constructor(\n injector: Injector,\n @Optional() private control: FormControlDirective | null,\n @Optional() private ngModel: NgModel | null\n ) {\n super(injector);\n }\n\n @Input()\n value: any;\n\n public get selected() {\n return (\n this.control?.form.value == this.value ||\n this.ngModel?.control.value == this.value\n );\n }\n\n public get checked(): boolean {\n return (this.radio && this.radio.checked) || false;\n }\n\n @Input()\n public set checked(v: boolean) {\n if (this.radio) {\n this.radio.checked = v;\n }\n }\n\n @Input() disabledHint?: string | null;\n\n @ViewChild(MatRadioButton)\n radio?: MatRadioButton;\n\n ngOnInit(): void {}\n\n select() {\n this.checked = true;\n this.control?.form.setValue(this.value);\n this.ngModel?.control.setValue(this.value);\n // this.radio?.radioGroup?._controlValueAccessorChangeFn(this.value);\n }\n}\n"],"x_google_ignoreList":[]}